Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Expository Essay Essay
#3 focusing on the importance of the past and how ‘The Kite Runner’ shows no matter how deeply it might be buried, it finds a way to re-surfacing Have you ever tried to run away from your past? And did it work for you? Well in the book we learn that a lot of characters try to run away from their past, for instance Baba hiding the fact that Hassan is also his son or when Amir witnessed Hassan being raped. They all tried to run away from their past but it all caught up with them in the end, like Amir said â€Å"My past was like that always turning up†. There is no way to hide from your past, whether you try to run away from it or bury it as deep as you can because the past always claws it way out. An example could be Amir trying to forget that he was a bystander to Hassan’s rape. He tried to forget everything, delete everything that happened about that night. ‘But even though life goes on memories remain forever’. He lied about Hassan stealing his watch and money thought chasing Ali and Hassan away might help him forget or ease his pain . When he received that phone call from Rahim Khan saying there is a way to be good again, he knew that it was time for him to face his fear. Going back to Kabul frightened him, he was about to face his deepest fear, everything in Kabul changed it was not the same. He wanted to make his father proud and be the brave man his father expected and longed for, just like Hassan. Sometimes it’s not always our guilt that forbids us to forget but the judgement of people in our community. When she ran away with her older boyfriend and moved in with him, she was seen as a disgraceful girl with no respect in the Afghan community. Soraya status is later restored when she gets married to Amir who’s a much respected man in the afghan community. Sometimes keeping a secret could be the cause of our death. In Baba case we learn that the cause o his death could be keeping the secret that Hassan was his son. When his diagnosed with cancer he refuses the treatment, possibly because he has accepted that was his punishment for his ‘sin’. On the end Baba dies as a tortured soul. Furthermore we learn that we the past cannot be forgotten or ignored but we can make peace with it. The kite runner illustrates that we learn from our mistakes which helps to be better people and more accepting of others. Like Amir said,’for the first time since the winter of 1975 I felt at peace†¦ Healed at last ‘.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Looking at the opening scene of Romeo and Juliet Essay
Romeo and Juliet’, a play originally written by William Shakespeare in 1595 – 1600 is a tale of love and tragedy involving two young people who fall in love, but find it ends in disaster due to their age old family feud. This play had been directed as a film in 1968 starring Olivia Hussey, but never before has it been modernised as a film. By choosing to do this the problem that faced Baz Luhrman when he was directing the film version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was that he could not predict whether there would be an audience for Shakespearean stories in a modern culture. Particuarly as the age group he was targeting were those who would probably still be at school, where Shakespeare had been stereotyped as ‘boring’. This problem was tackled by updating the swords involved by replacing them with guns, adding a famous cast known to the particular chosen age group and backing the film up with modern music. The opening scene of Baz Luhrman’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ begins with a screen of black, and a very small television screen in the centre. As the shot continues the camera zooms in on the television screen that is showing a coloured female newsreader, with a plain background and a split ring in the top right hand corner. This entrance to the first scene of the film forces the audience to concentrate on the film by introducing it slowly, making you feel anything missed will detract from the film’s impact. The newsreader is dressed in red, the classic colour of love, danger, passion and blood, and the ring split in two with the words â€Å"Star-crossed lover†subtly introduce the main themes of the films while the audience is focusing on what the newsreader is reporting. The screen around the television is black, focusing all attention on the newsreader, and her voice is quiet and sounds almost muted while she talks of the feud of Verona, re-enforcing the director’s obvious wish to capture the attention of the viewers. With this red on black theme it seems to represent the blood and tragedy of the story of Romeo and Juliet on the rest of the town, and almost shows the final tragic word on the darkness of the two feuding families. From this opening, though the newsreader does not directly speak of the main characters, Romeo and Juliet, you feel as if the feud is already familiar before entering in to the actual film. The change from the first scene to the second is a very quick jump cut. The camera zooms very close in on the newsreader tilting, and jumps through to a street in Verona, travelling down it and coming to a halt at a large statue of Jesus, but only allowing you a very quick glance before switching to a black screen with the words â€Å"In Fair Verona†in large white capitals at eye level. It then jump cuts back to a the same picture of Jesus, but this time it is a closer shot, and holds for a bit longer, before very quickly zooming back to show the statue in between two sky scrapers, one named â€Å"Capulet†in red, and one named â€Å"Montague†in blue. The buildings are the highest in the street, and with the statue in between them seem very important and noble, informing the audience of the family’s wealth and power, and also of their rivalry. The statue standing dead centre between the two towers shows that while religion is important in this story, and does to a certain extent act as a barrier between the two families, it is much smaller then the buildings, symbolising that their feud may prove stronger then their religion. The next shot is a jump cut on to the camera moving on to the streets of Verona, and a tracking shot of a police car with the words â€Å"Verona Beach†written down the side. This shot of the police car informs the viewers that police are involved, and the place the play is set in is called â€Å"Verona Beach†. Once focused on the car the camera tilts and zooms out, jumping in to a zoom in shot of the same statue of Jesus, which it zooms in on, jump cuts back to a second shot and zooms in again, this time blurring the statue. This blurring shows the disregard held by the families towards their religion as the feud gets greater. The scenes by now are moving very quickly and are very separated, not flowing smoothly at all. It is quite difficult to keep with the speed at which the film is moving, Luhrman once again trying to keep the audiences attention. Following on from the blurred shot of the statue, the camera, remaining blurry, focusing in turn, on the signs above each building, reading first â€Å"Capulet†in red and then â€Å"Montague†in blue. These choices of colour cause you to question whether or not the Capulet family are more ‘fierce’, with their name in red. You then get a tracking shot of a police helicopter against what you assume to be a church, and the city of Verona. Again re enforcing the religion verses law theme that is apparent throughout this film in Verona. Following this is a zoom in shot of a person lying on a mattress in the street surrounded by dirt and people in black. Through this shot you assume the person involved is injured, showing the severity of the feud. Again, jump cutting to the next scene, though seeming to slow the pace slightly, you get an aerial tracking shot from the helicopter with the diagetic sounds of the propellers, of a large statue of the Virgin Mary standing with open arms. Quickly moving on through a jump cut the statue of Jesus seen before is briefly shown, before zooming in on his face, although it is made up of many small dots, and shown in dark grey and black. This shot is held and zoomed out to reveal a ‘family tree’ with both families on it, starting at the top with ‘Ted Montague’ and ‘Fulgencio Montague’. Symbolic of the hatred that is passed down the family through each generation. The music up to this point has been very loud and ‘menacing’, increasing in volume when what I see as ‘relevant shots’ are held. The lighting has been bright throughout, all shots set in the day, and there have been no characters introduced until the family tree. The beginning shots seem to be more introducing the place and the themes than the characters themselves. The layout of this tree implies that the rivalry started between these two men and has been passed down through the family. With the statue of Jesus with open arms set between the two families reminds us of the strong religion present in the city, and the grey colour of the pictures and background sets in almost like a cloud of grey, strongly contrasting with the colour we have seen in the previous scenes. As well as being the first shot of the characters, also introduced in this scene is the first voice since the newsreader, although this time it is non diagetic, in the form of a voice over. The music reaches a climax and then fades away to a quiet backing for the deep male voice commenting on the family trees in front of us. The shots of this ‘tree’ are broken up by shots of fire and newspapers titled â€Å"Montague vs Capulet†, and while the speed of the changing shots has slowed down, now dissolving in to each other, Luhrman makes up for it with the impact of the shots he is using, you need more time to look at each one then before. Coming off the newspaper shot using dissolving and fire, we see the familiar screen of black with white text reading â€Å"In Fair Verona†, reminding us of the setting while looking in to the characters, as seen before when the city was being introduced and we were shown the names of the families. This subtle mixing of the two is very effective in showing the strong relationship between the setting and characters, and the effect that they have on each other. This phrasing of â€Å"Fair Verona†is ironic, as although we are being told the city is fair, we are shown only violent shots of the goings on and only ‘controversial†shots of the place itself. Moving on from the text shot we are shown a series of tracking shots of Verona, similar to those shown before, combining diagetic sounds such as the helicopter propellers with non diagetic such as the voice over. We then get another still shot of a newspaper reading â€Å"Ancient Grudge†followed shortly by a third newspaper reading â€Å"New Mutiny†and a picture of one of the young Montague boys. This â€Å"ancient grudge†followed by â€Å"new mutiny†re enforces the idea of the feud being passed down the family that we were introduced to through the family tree. The text is also in older style writing, showing that such an old thing has carried through in to modern day. This picture of the young Montague holding a gun is the first we see of the younger generations of the families, and it is associated with anger through his face and death through his gun. The next newspaper clip we get is â€Å"Civil blood†, also read out to us by the voice over, this emphasises the fact that the brawls caused by the families do not only affect themselves, but the rest of Verona. We are shown a tracking shot of a middle ages coloured man wearing helicopter equipment against a dark background, fitting as the shots seem to be getting darker, set later on in the day. The word ‘Police’ is shown in large white text against black, symbolising their affect on the feud, good on bad or clean on dirty. There is then a series of shots of Verona and magazines with bullets on the covers, showing how much violence there is in the city. It is made out to be a loud, busy dangerous place reflected in the characters themselves. The feuding families seem to sum up the rivalry present within the city, Religion verses hatred, Law verses war. Although you may argue that at this stage you are unable to establish whether it is the place reflected through the characters or the characters strife being the reason for the way the place is. We then get our first shot of a man and a woman in a black car, both look drawn and very worried. Jump cutting through to a shot of a second couple, obviously the other family, recognisable only because of the quick glance we got of the man on the family tree. This creates a broken up image of the families, imposing the idea that the families ‘get in the way’ of each other. As the music builds up again there are two screens of just text, when put together reading â€Å"A pair of star crossed lover take their life†. The ‘T’ in the ‘take’ is actually a cross when you look at it, bringing religion in to death. At this point the voice over is stopped and the music becomes loud again. Following the text the camera then jumps from one to another introducing through text and a frozen image of each character, the Capulets, the Montagues, both with the under text ‘Romeo’s mother/father’ and ‘Juliet’s mother/father. To follow we meet the chief of police ‘Captain Prince’, the Governor’s son ‘Dave Paris’ and ‘Mercutio’, Romeo’s best friend, in a provocative position with his face angry and his finger pointed with a gun on him. Each character has a shot held on them for about 5 seconds before jumping straight on to the next. As the music builds up we see a pair of eyes, later recognised to be those of Romeo Montague, pushing the door of a church open to reveal light and flowers, portraying the church as a place of sanctity. This relates to the theme of religion present throughout the film, and it also gives a preview of the place in which the lovers lives end. Luhrman would have realised that as ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is such a widely read play the majority of the audience would know then ending of the film, thus giving him a lot of scope to play around with previews of the rest of the film. The music quickens pace and very quickly we are run through the text previously shown and spoken but at a speed that it is not supposed to be read. This is followed by shots of fireworks, choirboys singing high piercing notes almost as a climax, guns shooting showing violence, main characters and eventually finishes on a black screen with â€Å"William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet†. This creates a point of high climax, quickly let down by the still almost ‘dead’ screen in comparison to previous shots. The mention of William Shakespeare is the first we hear of the author, and in mentioning him Luhrman has made himself seem almost modest, discarding any impression made implying that it is Luhrman’s own play. The title then moves off the screen to the left and the film begins. As an opening sequence for this particular film I find it very effective. The setting of such a film in modern day would have proved very difficult, but the replacement of swords by guns has a huge impact on its success. The violence is portrayed well and you learn just about enough to follow the film as it opens but not enough to know what happens between now and the death of the characters. I like the way Luhrman lets the audience know the resulting death of the characters, but he does not say who dies. This builds up an immense suspense throughout the film. This introduction is done in such a way that it will captivate almost everyone’s attention through moving so quickly and creating such a tense atmosphere.
Should Teenagers Be Tried as Adults
* Should teenagers be tried as adults? Opinions differ. Some people argue that teenagers don't know what they are doing when they commit a crime and are still too young to comprehend what is right and wrong. I totally disagree. I am old enough to know that committing a crime is wrong and that if I commit one, I will be punished. Anyone who says teens can't tell right from wrong is either too old to remember what being a teenager is like or they are a teenager who has committed a crime and don't want to be tried as an adult. In either case, they are wrong. All teens know that killing is wrong, yet they do it anyway and get away with a light sentence because of their age. Even if a teen didn't know it was wrong, it doesn't mean it's right. They should still be punished. If they aren't, they will think that crimes are okay and continue to commit them. Teens today don't fear the law because they don't think they will get caught. And if they do, they know they have a good chance of getting off because they are tried as teens and not adults. We have to get tougher on crime. There should be a law that everyone over eleven years old will be tried as adults. That way more teens would be discouraged from committing crimes. They would know that murder would get them a very long sentence instead of staying in juvenile hall until they are eighteen. If we want to cut down on teen crime, we have to have tougher laws. ? * I don't think there is any excuse for committing a crime. * i think it depends on the crimes stances. hat if a kid kills their physically abusive parents in those cases there should be special treatment. However crimes of passion and maybe drugs should they should be tried as adults. * Since we're talking about murder cases, I believe that teens should be tried as adults. If not, they are most likely going to repeat the crime knowing that they won't get in any serious trouble. For example, I know people who have stolen things of mine because they figured they were only 10 and there was no one who would really pun ish them if they were caught. Now, at 13 they are still stealing because they think it's okay. Now if you're a teenager, you know that murder is wrong (unless it's in self-defense) so there is no excuse for doing so. * A rising number of juveniles under the age of 18 are not only being charged for crimes as adults, but are serving in adult jails and even serving life sentences. Every state has some mechanism in place that allows juveniles charged with certain crimes to be tried in criminal court as adults. Thousands of children annually are even being â€Å"automatically†transferred to adult criminal court. Much of the change in the laws over the past few decades making it easier to try youths as adults has been in part due to the increase in juvenile crime and public outrage over particularly violent crimes and repeat juvenile offenders. The most common increases in juvenile crime have been noted with respect to gang violence, school shootings, increases in drugs in youth neighborhoods, and even increases in bullying among peers.
Monday, July 29, 2019
English Language Skills for Academic Study Essay
English Language Skills for Academic Study - Essay Example Conversely, the possibility of all the income going to one person denoted as having a Gini coefficient of 1 (Minton, 2012).Global inequality is demonstrated through income gaps that have been witnessed between individuals, where the gap between the rich and the poor has drawn closer. Therefore, income inequality has a negative effect on economic growth. Intensive Global Inequality Apparently, income equality as an extra ordinary economic development is not based on the United States of America only. Other countries in the world such as Britain, Canada, China, India, and even Sweden have experienced an increase in the national economic share to around 1 % (Cleaver, 2013). Similarly, one of the world’s famous magazines, Forbes has argued that in the United States of America, there are around 421 billionaires, Russia has 96, China has 95 and India has 48. In addition, Santiso & Blommestein, 2007 argues that the world richest man is a Mexican who is worth approximately $ 69 Billio n, the largest building belongs to an Indian among other economic income disparities. In a general sense, the concentration of wealth has become part of a wider disparity in the in income distribution. This is arguably true because some parts and groups of people do not receive the share of resources. This leads to negative economic growth. Consequently, the income gap has continually varied in most countries in the world for the last three decades. For instance, the Gini coefficient in the United States of America has gone up to almost 30% from 1980 with coefficient ranging at 0.39. In China, the coefficient has increased by 50% reading at about 0.42. In the same way, Sweden has increased by around 25% read at 0.24 Gini coefficient (Jubis, 2013). However, in contrast to this, Latin America has been named as the world unequal continent since it has experienced a down ward trend demonstrated through the sharp decline of the Gini coefficient (Dicken, 2010). In light of such deliberati ons, it is correct to argue that the income gap leads to negative economic growth. This assertion is true because people with low income would not be in a position accomplishing all their needs. Income Inequality as the ‘Delay Factor’ to Recession Recovery It is argued that income inequality has become a barrier or a slowing factor towards the recovery of the great recession. A recent debate economic contraction has given a vivid picture on the level of income inequality in the economic development. In light of this, two liberalist economists have given their contribution toward this debate (Stevenson & Duch, 2008). According to Stigliz, the economic inequality is preventing the recovery of the global recession due to numerous reasons. To begin with, the liberal economist argues that the middle class is not capable of giving support to consumer spending, which has driven the growth of the economy for the longest period (Stevenson & Duch, 2008). For this reason, most peo ple in the United States of America cannot manage to pay education for themselves and their children. Moreover, Stigliz articulates that the enormous lack of income from the middle class has led to the lack of tax payments a situation that is associated with frequent and more severe cycles of income inequality (Jubis, 2013). It is apparent that with low income, some people would not be able to revive any economic activities within
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Theories about whether or not virtue can be taught Essay - 93
Theories about whether or not virtue can be taught - Essay Example In the Meno, Socrates states that virtuous and wise people are not very good at imparting these qualities to others. For example, while Themistocles, the Athenian statesman and soldier could teach the skills of shooting javelins and standing upright to his son Cleophantus, no one ever stated about Cleophantus that he was virtuous and wise, and this holds true for Pericles and his sons Xanthippus and Paralus; Lysimachus and Aristides, his son; and Thucydides and his sons Stephanus and Melesias. Since there are apparently no teachers of virtue, it was inferred by Socrates that it is not possible to teach virtue; and since it cannot be taught, virtue cannot be translated as a kind of knowledge. Meno questions that if it is not possible to teach virtue, then how could good men exist? Socrates retorts that Meno and he overlooked that it is possible to execute a right action without knowledge. This can be explained in terms of the quality of guidance offered by two men to Larisa, one of wh om has been there whereas the other just knows about the way and has never actually been to Larisa. Of the two, the one who knows the way to Larisa would serve as a good guide, but so would be the other man who has never been to Larisa. If it is believed that truth as a guide is just as good as the man who is aware of that truth, it implies that a correct opinion is no less good a guide for the correct action than knowledge. In this case, Meno wonders what the factors that distinguish knowledge from correct opinion are, and also asks why should knowledge be preferred over correct opinion or vice versa? Socrates addresses these questions by saying that correct opinions can be interpreted as Daedalus’s statues, who was a highly skilled craftsman and mythological architect. The statues of Daedalus needed to be tied to prevent them from running away. Similarly, it is possible to tie down the correct opinions with the reason whereupon they discontinue being correct opinions and becoming a form of knowledge.Â
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Week 4 research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Week 4 research paper - Essay Example Studies also found out that learning support system in companies is weakened and experts suggest that it should be enhanced to cater the new skills required by the emerging jobs offered. Also jobs are impossible to be gone as resignation and employees get redundant in firms. Probably the job mismatch is the problem that makes other people unemployed while the firms continue to look for replacements to fill-in the vacancies for months. As a solution, other companies tap the Internet and computer to outsource their works despite of geographical limitations as it offers cost-effective ways on doing the tasks for both the employers and workers. Employment has always been the common way for people to earn income to sustain the needs of their own and their families. They work in exchange for money and other forms of remuneration wherein the rate of salary is on a per-hour basis. It started in the Industrial Age where the factories were very popular and the prevailing trend was equal pay for equal work. In the economy of today, the same trend seems to be declining and problems arise. As globalization started and continue to progress from the late twentieth towards the twenty-first century, various changes occurred in the way people work and conduct businesses. Various perspectives have been used to study, identify and analyze the situations to come into terms on how to deal with the arising problems. It is about management, but it seems to be many things must be managed and it is not only about control. Perhaps the past principles in management and leadership may still be applied for the present conditions, but new theories, perspectives and improvements must be done to further understand and cope up with the fast pacing of the world today. People are caught in the confusion as knowledge and skills advance so quickly that the
Friday, July 26, 2019
TOPIC OF INTERES THAT AFFECT POPULATION HEALTH - Research Paper Example The increase in elderly population and emergence of various lifestyle chronic diseases requires nurses with advanced skills that are offered by advanced nurse practitioners (White & Trauax, 2007). Scholarship is important for advanced practice nurses and entails conducting literature reviews that influence the current and future nursing interventions. Scholarship for advanced practice nurses refers to academic study of higher level or grants that awarded to support their higher education based on achievement. In order to attain the scholarship, the individual must first obtain the registered nurse’s (RN) license by passing the required national examinations that are the diploma from accredited nursing schools, associate degree or bachelors degree from nursing schools. According to the literature reviews, nurse practitioner status starts with a Bachelor of Nursing (BSN) and practice as a Generalistic registered practitioner for several years before the individual can attain licensure as registered nurse. Becoming advanced nurse practitioner requires enrollment in to a Masters of nursing practice programs and some individuals continue up to doctoral level. According to Jansen & Zwygart-Stauffacher (2010), the advanced programs focus on specialized nursing knowledge and skills such as cardiology, surgery and emergency medicin e (p 35). Accordingly, the nurses are required to pass a national board certification exam in special population focus such as adult-gerontology, psychiatric and family practice (Miller, 2008, p 257). Furthermore, the nurse practitioners are expected to attain a minimum continuing medical education credits and practice hours in order to attain licensure that is offered by the state boards of nursing (DeNisco & Barker, 2013). The literature reviews has identified some topics as health promotion, pathophysiology, different diagnosis and radiography
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Violence In Christianity And Islam Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Violence In Christianity And Islam - Thesis Example To a certain extent, one might point out that the religions which emerged on the latter stages of history often provided people with the tools to manage their aggression and refrain from violence. That is why one might suggest that the two notions, namely religion, and violence, are closely connected. Furthermore, the way they interact with each other is able to shed light on the peculiarities of the human nature. That is why it may be particularly significant to carefully examine an, compared how two different religions deal with violence in people. This paper will show that Christianity and Islam condemn violence, but have several provisions which are condition by history that justify it under specific and very concrete circumstances. While considering the moral framework of Christianity, one might think that there is no room for violence in it. Nevertheless, there are certain elements in this teaching which can prove quite the opposite. One of the most notable passages is taken from the Gospel of Matthew: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" (Matthew 10:34). As one can clearly see, these words clearly indicate that there is a part of teaching of Christ that is not peaceful. However, just like many parts of this book, the passage should be interpreted properly. Of course, it does not mean that a good Christian should follow the example of Christ and live with a sword in hand. The latter is a metaphor which urges people to direct their violence at their sins and fight them without fear (Sullender 16). However, there are some parts of the Christian doctrine that deal with real, not figurative violence.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Vietnams Confucian Heritage and Its Impact on Governance Dissertation
Vietnams Confucian Heritage and Its Impact on Governance - Dissertation Example It is clear to anyone who has observed the evolution of the world over the years that communism is a failure that still blinds people in some places around the world and that all cronies of communism have not amounted to much anywhere in the world. In stark contrast to this, those governed by the Western Capitalists or those who have been defeated in war by the previously mentioned have fared much better. The stark contrasts between North and South Koreas, former East and West Germany and the future rise of Japan after the Second World War are a clear testimony to the fact that pure communism was an evil that needed checking and restraining. Although in the present post-Vietnam era the misguided Islamists around the world remain vocal and critical of the West, blaming it for all of their self – induced abject failures they have no answers to provide about why their own religious civilization has never amounted to anything anywhere around the world. Surely, a people who were th e followers of the last guidance from the Creator of the Universe should have been able to demonstrate something to the world instead of espousing loathing, revulsion and an utter backwardness. After all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and no people can dump the reason for their failures on to others. Thus, it is likely that something broke down in Vietnam for it to have become a playground for superpowers, just as something distinctly rotten is apparent in Islamic societies. Economics and the distribution of resources have always profoundly influenced human societies and the world. Clearly, despite all attempts to blame the West for the paucity of Vietnam, it is the people of Vietnam and its leaders who must assume responsibility for its destruction when Vietnamese leadership sought to side with communism or capitalism instead of working for the good of the nation.
Article Rebuttal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Article Rebuttal - Essay Example Correspondingly, the essay intends to provide a rebuttal to the article with valid arguments. In keeping with the article, in order to validate his claims the author has highlighted that in the year 2000, Mark Muraven and Roy Baumeister published a paper in Psychological Bulletin which states that self-control is similar to muscle that gets weakened every day after use. Thus, if a person forces himself for jogging for an hour the capacity of self-regulation is proportionally weakened which increases the possibility for a person to opt for a pizza instead of salad. In his article, the author states that there are 45 million Americans who actually joined the gym in the year 2000 which was merely 23 million in 1993. The Minnesota Heart Survey highlights that in 1980, 47% of people were undertaking regular exercise which grew to 57% in the year 2000, and yet there has been a rise in obesity. Northwestern University, in June 2009, conducted a research in order to investigate the correlation between development of diabetes and aerobic fitness. The research derived a result that be ing aerobically fit is less important than developing a body mass index that is normal in the prevention of disease. In this situation, the author states that exercise does not help hefty people to reduce their weight. Eric Ravussin quotes that â€Å"In general, for weight loss, exercise is pretty useless†wherein the author states that exercise is not important in reducing weight and the advertisements done by various gym are untrue (Cloud, 2009). From the analysis of the article, it is worth mentioning that if a person undertakes jogging it would lead to increase in fitness and greater capability to do certain tasks. The author misrepresents the survey conducted to support his idea. The author in this statement stresses on the fact that even though there has been progress of the people undertaking exercise, it has caused growth in obesity as well. However,
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Is There Life Off Earth Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Is There Life Off Earth - Term Paper Example But even it is taken for granted that on some planets in this universe, there prevails an environment like the one on the earth, one cannot be sure of the existence of life on those planet. This paper will devise an experiment to test whether any form of life as defined on Earth could prosper on Mars. This experiment will be conveyed mainly by the theoretical assessment of the possibility of life on Mars. Traditional search for life on Mars as well as in the universe is centered on the quest whether Mars can provide essential conditions of life. These conditions are to be the same as they are required for the survival of life on Earth. In order to life to exist on Mars, scientists suggest that the planet must have water. But the temperature of the planet must not be high enough to evaporate the water. Therefore, liquidity of water must be preserved in order to initiate the existence of life (Stewart 39). This opinion of the scientists is greatly influenced by the hydro-evolutionary theory that asserts that life on Earth has been initiated from the movement of water in the ocean. Also in order to sustain life, Mars must have the availability of elements like carbon and nitrogen, so that the unary organic system like cells can grow easily. At the same time, the planet should have an apparently congenial environment that can sustain life as well as preserve each its evolutionary steps. The question whether Mars can provide the conditions of life is totally based on empirical science. With a highest -600 C temperature that is slightly higher that the lowest -800 C temperature of the Antarctic region, the environment of Mars is supposed to be hostile for most of the microorganism organisms as well as other forms of earthly life. Also having a gravitational force, 38 percent of that of Earth, it has a thin layer atmosphere, .7% of Earth’s atmosphere. Even though there are other dissimilarities,
Monday, July 22, 2019
World War I Essay Example for Free
World War I Essay Introduction            The war began in the mid of May, year 1914. A Bosnian Serb student, Gavrilo Princip, fired shots from his revolver under an oak tree, aiming to murder Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the sole heir to the Habsburg throne, the Austria-Hungary supremacy. This happened as he and his wife visited Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital. The plot to murder the archduke is a part of Princip’s training and it was directed by Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic, otherwise known as the â€Å"Apis†, or â€Å"The Bull†. Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic is the head of the Serbian military intelligence during the time of assasination. Bosnia-Hercegovina, then, was under the rule of Austria-Hungary, that which Archduke Franz Ferdinand is scheduled to succeed. Princip did not only successfully accomplish the murder of the archduke. He did fire a shot that killed his wife, Sofie, as well. She passed away in few minutes with his husband (Strachan 1998).            This single instance of this assassination triggered the First World War, which is further referred to as â€Å"The War to End All Wars†. It was in July 28 of the same year that Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia. At first, this was supposed to be the third Balkan war, but it did eventually become the World War I. Initially, the Austrian government would like to Serbia to take responsibility of what had happened and to fully allow Austrian investigators to take part in the case investigation and proceedings. At this point, Austria-Hungary was already assured of an exclusive, unconditional support by the Germans, should the war break out. The Serbian government, on the other hand, has been able to solicit the support of Russia, which is already considered as a big powerful nation then. Serbia agreed to all terms subjected to them, except to the one that allows the involvement of the Austrian agents in the case. Serbia believed that this is another issue of violation of their already marred sovereignty by the same nation (Strachan 1998).            Both Russia and Austria-Hungary mobilized their armies during the long stand-off. Germany, however, set an ultimatum to Russia to stop their army mobilization in no less than 12 hours. After the ultimatum has expired and Russia did not respond, Germany then declared war on Russia. Germany started with the occupation of Luxembourg, aiming to get Belgium as well. The German wanted a free passage from Belgium into France, but the former disagreed to it. During this point in time, Belgium, France, and Britain are all on neutral position with regards to the war. But by August 3, Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium because their free passage was not granted (Strachan 1998). This then triggered Britain to declare war against Germany. Thus, the formation of the Allied Powers, led by Britain, France, and Russia came about. Later on, they are joined in by Italy and the United States army. They all unite in full force against the Central Powers, which, on the other hand, were composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire, which can also be regarded as the Turkish Empire, joined the First World War as a result of a secret Ottoman-German Alliance that is signed in August 1914. Russia was a long-time enemy of the Ottoman Empire, and this is the main reason why they chose to be on the Central Power’s side, even if there have been several parties in their side who are in favor of alliance with the Allied powers instead (Strachan 1998). America’s Position in World War I            Prior to 1917, the American position on the First World War was neutral and impartial, just like that of Britain’s before the declaration of war with France. The then president, President Woodrow Wilson, reflects the public mood of remaining that way and instructed the Congress to do and maintain so. The Washingtonians and the whole nation in general, fully supported this stance. America upheld its position of insisting on unbiased rights. They are also aiming to successfully negotiate peace in all other places that has acquired stress due to the tensions brought about the war boiling in Europe. But America has one stand which is based from its own stateliness and pride. And that is not to tolerate unrestricted submarine warfare. The American nation believes that viola infringement of this would result in the violation of their respective national dignity (Goldstein and Maihafer 2004).            At first, Germany agreed to this sole provision. They stopped unrestricted submarine warfare, but only for the time being. It is by January that they publicly announced that they would continue to do so. It was in this year that Britain dominated the seas, and they have done so for many centuries preceding the war. This caused the State of America to entirely eradicate its neutrality and join the forces of the Allied Powers, as an associate. To counter America’s response, Germany even commissioned Mexico to join the war beside them and be their ally against the United States. This instance fueled and further angered the American population and opinion. By April 16, 1917, the United States declared war against the Germans, as requested by President Wilson. The U.S. House of Representatives accordingly approved the resolution to join the First World War with a high margin of pro-war votes at 373-50. The US Senate followed suit with an 82-6 stand also in favor of the nation’s approval to join the now much celebrated war (Goldstein and Maihafer 2004).            The American initial position on the war, in reality, seems to make its decision to enter it relatively less likely. America is on a neutral stand, and would likely to remain neutral had the Germans did not took the first step to severe that otherwise peaceful position (Goldstein and Maihafer 2004). Even prior to America’s involvement in this war, the whole governing body, including all its people, continually follows the judicious guidance of its previous president, President George Washington in his farewell address, as delivered on September 17, 1796. And that is to steer clear of any permanent alliance in any portion of the foreign world. The people and the government of America remained true to this statement, until after its own dignity was trampled upon and was forced to join the First World War. And that single instance made it easy for the entire nation to take part in a coalition against the very people who attempted to take pride out of the whole country (Klose and Lader 2001). But following the events of the First World War, the German people did seem to intentionally go against the United States’ declaration of no unrestricted submarine warfare. That is the only stance that the American nation requested with the conflicting forces, but that simple request was not granted. Germany, in their own defensive and offensive tactics, found it fitting to continue their attack, for reasons they alone know (Klose and Lader 2001). Given this scenario, it seems as if that that whole circumstances was planned and mitigated, with the aim to drag the Americans into the war. The Germans, at that point, believe that they could walk over America and their whole army. But they were painfully wrong. They had underestimated the military offense of the American force and they actually seem to have requested for their defeat even more, after they had decided to involve the Americans (Klose and Lader 2001). The American artillery joined forces with the British and the French, and the American troops are not scattered or broken up to reinforce the British or the French army. They fought as one group, one nation, against one cause. The Effects of American Involvement on the Home Front            America’s participation and victory in the First World War has its share of advantageous and disadvantageous points. First and foremost, right after the war, the United States, as well as her other allies, namely Britain and Italy, experienced an increase in their respective Gross Domestic Product or GDP. While statistics tell that that is seen to have decreased in allies France and Russia, the American nations have surely gained from the boost. However, on the Central Power’s side, there was an astounding shrinkage of as much as 30% to 40% in their respective GDP’s (Hibbard 1919). It is also believed that the greatest and the most important thing that the war ever contributed to the American nation is in the form of loans and supplies that are given and are sent to the Allies. As a proof, a lot of money was raised by bond sales, which is much as compared to those raised by taxes. The cost of the war was estimated to be US $35 billion, and about $10 billion of that went to the Allies in the form of loans. The whole American Nation gained from this, as the British and the rest of the forces began to repay their loans back to the United States (Hibbard 1919). The First World War also resulted in the expansion of the military powers of the then underestimated American nation. America was not even remotely compared to the British Empire or the other powerful countries before. But because of their support and victory of the First World War, the American people and government became aware of what they can do with their military powers. This is the birth of America being a super power, in terms of weaponry attack and tactical offense. Indeed, America was reborn to that of a giant, a giant in terms of its national stability, force and power (Hibbard 1919). The First World War also brought about American apparent domination of the world. As a country that never affiliated itself with other foreign entities, it is perceived to be just a stand-alone race, ready to respond to its internal needs and requirements. But because of the World War I, the American nation has become a domineering force in the economical, political and the social aspects (Bagby 1999). As a negative effect the First World War actually resulted in the shortage of laborers and farm workers. Military men and soldiers were sent over to the war. And common men were even drafted to join in, to add to the number of military soldiers and privates. America, even though it is engaged in the war, inevitably, still has to produce for the rest of the nation. The need to be economically stable amidst the war is very much important (Bagby 1999). Because it was the women who are left on the American soil, they stood up and participated accordingly. These women, who then, do not have any social powers and abilities to call their own, came out and worked in the absence of their male counterparts. If before, they were merely persons of the house, the war drastically changed that. They worked and did their husbands, their son’s, or the brother’s job (Bagby 1999). And in line with this, it is also the First World War that sparked women’s right to suffrage. This originally started in the British soil, but actually found its way towards America. American women suddenly found their voices and demanded to be heard in the society, as well as in politics through the electoral process. And the woman did succeed in this endeavor. She was given the right to vote in the 19th amendment of the United States Constitution in the year 1920. The rest of the nations, including Canada and Britain, followed (Mead 2004). American radicals proposed a â€Å"live for the day†attitude in response to the World War I. This attitude was introduced so as to inculcate to other people that American nation has to stop in meddling with other nation’s concerns and start living on its own, for its own. But this isolation idea can be referred to be in vain, if data up to the current day is taken into consideration (Mead 2004). Conclusion            The First World War has taken its toll towards other nations as well as America. Any war, big or small would create an impact in all the aspects of a nation. A war is not for the poor, because it would just consume its resources even more. The war maybe for the rich nations, but even them, would feel the impacts of the war, even if the lose or win in it. Either the case, there is no real winner in a war. Every nation, everyone, is left on the losing end.            United States has been wise to join the war. Because through it, it has successfully unleashed its military powers and social dominance that it otherwise would not have discovered. The potential to become powerful, to uphold the whole world’s rights, to protect every nation’s privileges, have become so moving in the part of the Americans. The American has become the stronghold for leadership, equality, power, and justice. This is the image that American has acquired because it has joined the very First World War. And this image is too life-size and too real. The rest of the nations began to be looking up to the American power and pride. American has indeed become a super power.            But America could have been wrong to join the war too, because it has exposed the whole nation into unnecessary grief and hardships. The United States of America has long been self-sufficient. It participated in economic trade and relations, if only to develop itself and its people. It has not affiliated nor allied itself to other foreign entities, no matter how big and strong they may seem, simply because it do not want to subject its people to the implications a certain international treaty would bring; a treaty that, in the face of difficulties and international strain, would definitely place the entire nation in a very inconvenient stature. And this is a stature that the great men in the history of the United States have foreseen.            And because America has proved that it is strong and capable, over time, it has lived up to its own self-acclaimed title of being the world’s alleviator, as the world’s protector against injustice and violations. Since the World War I, the American nation has processed laws and statues that have involved its own self in the Second World War, in the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and more recently, the attack on Iraq.            The then stand alone and sufficient nation has seen itself suddenly amidst turmoil and conflict against other countries, in reasons directly, and even indirectly applicable to them. They are involved in situations they have to decide for themselves and the other nation. They require themselves to help who they perceive as the much weaker country.            The effects of the World War I on the United States of America is indeed, very big. Its once neutral stand against disagreeing countries that was seen prior to World War I was never seen again after it. The nation has assumed a role on its own, and it is not necessarily a productive idea, because it does affect it overall processes as a nation, and as an entity.            America’s international relations have changed since the First World War. Some diplomatic relations have severed. A lot of economical embargo was positioned. But there are also international relations that are nurtured and stabilized. Since the First World War, America’s alliance with Britain was enhanced and has become noticeable stronger, no matter which President or which Prime Minister has replaced their respective predecessors.            The war, in general, brought out in to open the men who are in abnormal need of power and those who are philanthropists of goodwill and equality.  There are times that war is good when it is viewed from a different angle. But in general, and in essence the avoidance of war should still be primary. The effects of war to the people of today and the future generation should not be overlooked just to serve personal and selfish reasons. In times of war, we needed people who are humanitarian advocates, and not those who have an uncharacteristic clamor of authority and control.  Works Cited Mead, Rebecca J. How the Vote Was Won: Woman Suffrage in the Western United States, 1868-1914. New York: New York University Press. 2004. 1-10. Goldstein, Donald M and Maihafer, Harry J. America in World War I: The Story and Photographs. Virginia: Brassey’s Inc. 2-6.            Strachan, Hew, ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War: A History. New York: Oxford University Press. 1998. 52-59            Klose, Nelson and Lader, Curt. United States History Since 1865. New York: Barrons Educational Series. 2001. 6-12. Bagby, Wesley Marvin. Americas International Relations Since World War I. New York: Oxford University Press. 2001. 5-9 Hibbard ,Benjamin Horace. Effects of the Great War Upon Agriculture in the United States and Great Britain. New York: Oxford University Press.1919. 65-69
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Racism in the 1960s
Racism in the 1960s Racism in the 1960s The 1960s were a time where the world was changing. Music was changing, politics were changing, and people were changing. But one problem seemed to remain in society Racism. Although the 1960s were the era of the Baby Boom, the racist segregation did not subside. Although segregation thrived through Jim Crow Laws, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both fought hard against it. This segregation lead to possibly the worlds greatest achievement, the African-American Civil Rights Movement. In the 1960s, the way of life was different for people with different colors of skin. There were separate bathrooms, separate restaurants, drinking fountains, and churches for black people. Restaurants had a Jim Crow law, that stated, It shall be unlawful to conduct a restaurant or other place for the serving of food in the city, at which white and colored people are served in the same room, unless such white and colored persons are effectively separated by a solid partition extending from the floor upward to a distance of seven feet or higher, and unless a separate entrance from the street is provided for each compartment. Black people were also forced to use different barbers, nurses and jail cells. The segregation between black people and white people was evident and enforced by law. These laws were called Jim Crow Laws, and were local laws that outlined the segregation between black people and white people. Any act against a Jim Crow law was punishable by law and received an unusually hefty punishment. These separate but equal approaches lead to much discrimination that African-American communities endured for much of the decade. These laws covered aspects such as barbers, prisons, nurses, and libraries. Some examples of Jim Crow laws were: 1. No colored barber shall serve as a barber (to) white girls or women (Georgia). 2. No person or corporation shall require any White female nurse to nurse in wards or rooms in hospitals, either public or private, in which Negro men are placed (Alabama). 3. The warden shall see that the white convicts shall have separate apartments for both eating and sleeping from the Negro convicts (Mississippi). Although these laws were all forced by law, they were all forced by the public as well. Many mobs of white men used lynching in the 1960s to try and manipulate the African-American population. Lynching is considered the punishment of any person without legal process or authority. Any person who tried to promote against, abolish, or defy the Jim Crow laws were often beaten and/or killed. With the help of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement, these laws were only in effect up until 1965. In 1968 the Supreme Court declared all types of segregation unconstitutional. Martin Luther King Jr. was an integral part of the abolishment of Jim Crow Laws and the public support of the Civil Rights Movement. Growing up as a child, Martin Luther King Jr. was a very smart human being. He attended segregated high schools in Georgia but only stayed for a short amount of time. Because of Martins superb intelligence, he was able to finish grades 9-12 in just two years, making him a high school graduate at the age of fifteen. After receiving a doctorate at Boston University, Martin had already started his effect on society. He participated in a 382 day boycott to remove the segregation between black and white people on buses. The supreme court agreed and on December 21, 1956, the law was ruled unconstitutional. Martin Luther King paid the price for this great achievement, finding himself arrested and his home was bombed. The African-American Civil Rights Movement took place in the 1960s and really gained support on August 28th, 1963. Martin Luther King Jr. made hi s plea to the world for racial equality during his I Have a Dream speech. This speech was a powerful moment in history and held the support of people all over the planet. I have a dream is still regarded as one of the greatest political statements ever to be made.
Different Types Of Religion Religion Essay
Different Types Of Religion Religion Essay Religion can be described as set of beliefs that explain the universe; religion is more than spirituality and is complicated in understanding the world. Religion can be portrayed as belief concerning one or more deities and incorporating ceremonies, ethical guidelines and rituals. I would focus on only four basic religions which are popular all over the world; they are Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism Judaism. My essay would consist of Beliefs, Leaders Quality, Comparisons and differences between religions and Structures of religion. Christianity portrays that Jesus Christ is the son of God and was to earth to bring salvation unto man, Christians also refer to Jesus as the Messiah. The three largest groups in the world of Christianity are the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox churches, and the various churches of Protestantism. The Roman Catholic and the Orthodox churches were the only churches that were found first before the establishments of other Protestant churches. Christian beliefs These are core belief of real Christians who really worship God. God created all that is seen and unseen Jesus is the Son of God and is one with God Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary Jesus suffered and was crucified Jesus rose again (the Resurrection) Jesus ascended into Heaven Jesus died and was buried Anyone can have salvation Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead People who repent of their sins will be forgiven Structure of Christianity Christianity is made up of 3 divisions which are Catholic, protestant and orthodox. Catholic: The oldest Christian church to be formed, Catholic Church is made up of churches, headed by bishops, in communion with the Pope, the Bishop of Rome. The Roman Catholic Church through Apostolic progression traces its origins to the Christian community founded by Jesus Christ. Catholics maintain that the one, holy and true God which you can get through Jesus Christ. Protestant: In the 16th century, Martin Luther, Huldrych Zwingli, and John Calvin inaugurated what is called Protestantism. Luthers theological heirs are known as Lutherans. In addition to the Lutheran and Reformed branches of the Reformation, there is Anglicanism after the English Reformation. The Anabaptist institution was largely not accepted by the other Protestant parties back then, but has achieved a measure of confirmation in more recent history. Some but not most Baptists prefer not to be called Protestants, claiming a direct ancestral line going back to the apostles in the 1st century. Orthodox: Eastern Orthodoxy comprises those churches in communion with the Patriarchal Sees of the East, such as the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. Like the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church also traces its heritage to the foundation of Christianity through Apostolic succession. Eastern Orthodoxy is the second largest single denomination in Christianity, with over 200 million adherents. The Oriental Orthodox Churches (also called Old Oriental Churches) are those eastern churches that recognize the first three ecumenical councilsà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Nicaea, Constantinople and Ephesus but reject the dogmatic definitions of the Council of Chalcedon and instead espouse a Miaphysite Christology. ISLAM Muslims believe that God is one and without equal. Muslims also accept as true that Islam is the absolute and worldwide account of an ancient faith that was revealed at many times and places before, including through the prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Muslims uphold that previous messages and revelations have been to some extent tainted or corrupted over time, but consider the Quran to be both unaltered and the final revelation from God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and compulsory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on practically every aspect of life and society, encircling everything from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment. Islam Beliefs Islam beliefs are made of the five main pillars of Islam which are considered obligatory for all believers, they are the shahadah (creed), daily prayers (salat), almsgiving (zakah), fasting during Ramadan and the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) at least once in a lifetime. Law and Jurisprudence of Islam The Sharia (literally the path leading to the watering place) is Islamic law created by traditional Islamic scholarship, which Muslim groups hold on to. Sharia is the face of the divine will, and constitutes a system of duties that are current upon a Muslim by virtue of his religious belief. Islamic law covers all aspects of life, like foreign relations and governance, to matters of daily living. The Quran describes hudud as the punishments for five specific crimes: unlawful intercourse, false accusation of unlawful intercourse, consumption of alcohol, theft, and highway robbery. The Quran and Sunnah also contain laws of inheritance, marriage, and restitution for injuries and murder, as well as rules for fasting, charity, and prayer. Buddhism This is a religion and beliefs surrounding a diversity of traditions, way of life and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha. Buddhist traditions in the East After Buddhas death, splits occurred. There are three systems of thought within Buddhism which are separate. Each tradition in turn has many sects. One cause divides the religion into three main groups by their location: Theravada Buddhism (a.k.a. as Southern Buddhism) now has over 100 million followers. Buddhist missionaries from India took the religion to some countries, but it originally only gained a grip in Sri Lanka. It later extends from Sri Lanka to Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and parts of Vietnam. They promoted the Vibhajjavada School, by the 15th century; this structure of the religion reached almost its present geological extent. Mahayana Buddhism (a.k.a. Northern Buddhism) is the largest religion in China, Japan, Korea and much of Vietnam. The practice entered China during the Han dynasty (206 BCE to 220 CE). It found early reception there among the workers; later, it progressively involved the ruling class. Buddhism reached Japan in the 6th century. It passed through relentless domination during the 1960s in China during the Cultural Revolution. Eastern Buddhism contains many discrete schools: Tein-tai, Hua-yen, Pure Land teachings, and the Meditation school. They commemorate the New Year, harvest festivals, and five anniversaries from the lives of Buddha and of the Bodhissattva Kuan-yin. They also engage in Dana, Sila, Chanting, Worship and Pilgrimage. Judaism Judaism is the religion, beliefs, and way of life of the Jewish people. Originating in the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Tanakh) and explored in later texts such as the Talmud, it is well thought-out by Jews to be the appearance of the covenantal affiliation God developed with the Children of Israel. Judaism claims a chronological permanence straddling more than 3,000 years. It is one of the oldest monotheistic religions,[5] and the oldest to survive into the present day. Beliefs of Judaism Judaism belief is made up of the Ten Commandments which are: I am the Lord your God You shall not recognize the gods of others in My presence You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain Remember the day of Shabbat to keep it holy Honor your father and your mother You shall not murder You shall not commit adultery You shall not steal Do not give false testimony against your neighbor You shall not covet your fellows possessions Messiah In Judaism, the Messiah or the Anointed One is the Hebrew name for the promised savior of humankind. Christians believe Jesus Christ as the Messiah. However, the Jewish religion contends that the Messiah is yet to come and Jesus Christ was just another prophet. Worship and Practices From tradition Jewish pray in a congregation three times a day, The study of Torah, the discovered will of God, also is considered an act of worship. à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Torah is read religiously each Sabbath. The Sabbath is spent in prayer, study, rest, and family feasting. Over the course of a year, the entire Torah will be read on Sabbath and festival days. The Jewish year includes five major festivals Passover, Shabuoth, Sukkot, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur and two minor one Hanukkah and Purim.à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ COMPARISONS AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM, BUDDHISM AND JUDAISM CHRISTIANITY ISLAM BUDDHISM JUDAISM ORIGINATION ISRAEL-ROME ARABIA INDIA EGYPT- ISRAEL ADHERANT FOUNDER JESUS CHRIST MOHAMMAD SIDDHARTHA GOTAMA ABRAHAM/ MOSES GOD CHRIST JEHOVAH ALLAH NONE YAWEH ELOHIM AFTER LIFE HEAVEN/ HELL HEAVEN/ HELL NIRVANA EDEN/ GEHENNA HOLY BOOK BIBLE QURAN, SUNNAN TIPITAKA TANAK (TORAH) REFERNCE
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall Essay -- Analysis Ballad Birmin
Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall In 'Ballad of Birmingham,' Dudley Randall illustrates a conflict between a child who wishes to march for civil rights and a mother who wishes only to protect her child. Much of this poem is read as dialogue between a mother and a child, a style which gives it an intimate tone and provides insight to the feelings of the characters. Throughout the poem the child is eager to go into Birmingham and march for freedom with the people there. The mother, on the other hand, is very adamant that the child should not go because it is dangerous. It is obvious that the child is concerned about the events surrounding the march and wants to be part of the movement. The child expresses these feelings in a way the appears mature and cognizant of the surrounding world, expressing a desire to support the civil rights movement rather than to ?go out and play.? The desire to no longer be seen as a child and have her voice heard by those being marched against and by her mother (who can also be seen as an oppressive form of authority in this poem) is expressed by the first few lines. The opinion of the child is much like that of all young people who want to fight for their freedom. The mother, however, refuses to acknowledge the child as anything but a child is a major conflict in this poem. Because she refers to her as ?child? and calls her ?baby,? it is clear that the mother does not take the child?s pleas seriously. The mother is certain that she kn...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Republic of Chad Essay -- Population Growth, Chads Cultural Structure
Chad is an ethnically diverse African country that also happens to be one of the poorest countries in Africa. Chad gained its independence from France in 1960 after a sixty year rule. There are several national cultures in Chad that are based on ethnoregional and religious affiliations. There are more than 200 ethnic groups in Chad, and those in the north and east are typically Muslim; most southerners are animists and Christians. Through their long religious and commercial relationships with Sudan and Egypt, many of the peoples in Chad's eastern and central regions have become more or less Arabized, speaking Arabic and engaging in many other Arab cultural practices as well (Azevedo, Graham, and Nnadozie). The people who reside in southern Chad's took more readily to European culture during the French colonial period. The county of Chad is 495,752 square miles and is three times larger than California, according to the CIA World Fact Book. Chad has a population of 10,543,464 as of July 2010, which is a population density of 14.2 people per square mile and a population growth rate of 2.038 percent, according to the CIA World Fact Book. Chad also has an urban population of twenty-seven percent, according to the CIA World Fact Book. Chad is one of the poorest countries on the African continent. Chad's economy is mostly agricultural and eighty percent of Chad's population relies on subsistence farming and livestock rising as their livelihood, cotton farming, growing sorghum, millet, groundnuts, vegetables, and fruits (Azevedo, Graham, and Nnadozie). The other twenty percent of Chad's population works in the industry services such as manufacturing, services, and the military. According to the CIA World Fact Book, eigh... ...employees who sign up for it. The McDonalds could bring endless possibilities to Chad. The people who be learn new skill, some could get the opportunity to could to college, receive health care, be able to take care of their families, and maybe open up their own business one day. My McDonalds on Chad could possibly help to strengthen Chad's economy, but I honestly don't think a McDonalds would do well in Chad. Chad is basically a large plain, with some mountain ranges, and desert. To put a McDonalds in the middle of the desert would be ludicrous. The majority of the people are still living in an agrarian culture and I don't think they would be very willing to spend what little money they do have on McDonalds. I think if this were a real business venture it would be a major failure. Chad just doesn't have the economy to support a McDonalds.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
IntroductionIn today ‘s metropoliss, interior decorators are faced with the corporate creative activity of a incorporate model for new development, out-of-door environmental rivals. Designer ‘s part is frequently to go after the fact, beauty intervention and maltreatment of patients is to make infinites for public utilizing program in the first topographic point. In the urban development procedure as usual landscape located in an stray object, instead than as streets, squares, big portion of the edifice construction, and possible unfastened infinite. ( Roger Trancik,1986 ) Therefore, how to put up the infinite in most environments today was the of import issue.Botching the metropolisGuggenheim Museum Bilbao – Bilbao, SpainIt is one of the universe ‘s most celebrated edifices ; which is an attractive and impressive architectural plants in many ways. Unfortunately, as a public infinite, it is really successful – and even unsafe. Dramatic beauty and sculpture edifice, Bilbao Guggenheim Museum, monumentally for successful as a landmark edifice attempts, and besides has attracted people ‘s attending on Bilbao metropolis. However, the undertaking has failed as a public infinite, losing an of import chance to observe and back up the cultural and community life that will throb throughout of the metropolis. Highlight the centre of Bilbao which located near the waterfront, the edifice disrupted metropolis life, as an abuse to a prosaic who is willing to utilize anything more than other constructing goggling at this topographic point. Frank Gehry, the designer who designed the museum, seem to fear that support, or even acknowledged that human activity and the surrounding edifices. The museum is likely to convey people to Bilbao, but it is merely reduced the civic and cultural life, that is doing people proud to hold their life in metropoliss. In add-on, as a successful investing in the building symbol, it limits the function of the architecture is merely the icon. It received attending, the edifice overlooked the river, giving its prominent, and it ignores the big public topographic points, whether it is comfy, worst of all, it ignores the metropolis, it is merely to pull draw attending. Walking through Bilbao, the edifice make distraction from the most dynamic public infinite in Europe, that is the sort of some of the intervention in community life. While the landmarks of power have been broadcast around the universe, it can easy be interpreted as a human activity and civic life in onslaughts. Although Bilbao as a metropolis could be near to the tallness of civilisation, and Frank Gehry ‘s is the position of an icon as a beacon of urban services, it is besides a public infinite, that is a considerable recreation of civilisation, should be suppose to celebrated. Architecture emerged to go a great success manner that is able to reflect and back up the edifice of civilisation, civilization and regard for the intent of professional characteristics. Gehry ‘s edifice seems to neglect in all these countries, therefore doing great harm to Bilbao, and to the building industry. The great edifices and major public topographic points should be go manus and manus, but unluckily, they seldom do so. The Guggenheim in Bilbao ‘s haughtiness and it indicates that the design and development attack is an abuse to public topographic points everyplace. Around this edifice, public infinite is a nothingness in the civic life of great metropolis. It can be said that this edifice has brought attending to Bilbao, but in this attending has been distracted, or at best a short-run high-sugar, for a metropolis with some of Europe ‘s best public topographic points in many ways. As the Museum non merely merely ignores the context, but besides enhances the distance and fells Bilbao rich cultural and societal life, it is a metropolis ‘s net loss.Canary Wharf – London, UKThere are many concealed positions by out-of-door public infinite and a labyrinth of belowground stores. While I came to this country, I feel even more defeated than I expected. They have four out-of-door public topographic points and the Numberss of stores in the resistance like the maze which concealed positions in fact, it is hard to happen. All people in a public topographic point are full of the auto. Clearly, They argued that the public infinite or non ; they think it is a auto show, is to pull them to be more active. This has a really big graduated table in office park with complex challengers. It is complex instance with the failure consequence for each. The undersides of the edifices are inordinate stark, empty, or conceal with columns to conceal those use-things may seek to reach in any intent. Even if you stand back of the columns or arcades, and you get some good retail or a good entryway, the consequence is still inexorable, and non attractive. Any outside streets is uninteresting and non appealing. Some one would wish to see a few more suited characters to add, and some personality countries. Clearly, there has a really limited set of patronages who want to pull. Contrast to either Battery Park City or Rockefeller Center, it is so baffled to tag Canary Wharf, is so far off the grade. Some one has thought as Winston Churchill, †¦ we are determining our edifice, and so they are determining us†¦ reasonably chilling! It is non easy to hold a position connexion. How do you believe this component will heighten people community. It is evidently a auto show. There are the tall edifices, autos environing the people who need a public infinite.Evaluation on Public SpaceIn research for the public infinite, it is non difficult to happen, there are four qualities of success, and those decided it does work or non: accessible, activities, comfy and community.Access & A ; LinkagesYou can find whether it has convenience connexions to a topographic point or its environing countries, including ocular and physical. A successful public infinite is easy to happen and acquire through ; it is seeable in footings of short distance. The borders of a infinite key are besides important: for illustration, shops sit along a street will be more interesting and by and large safer than walking in a space wall. There is convenient public conveyance, if accessible infinites have a high parking turnover.Pioneer Courthouse Square, PortlandPioneer Courthouse Square, was known as the â€Å" Portland ‘s life room †, as a public infinite in mention to heighten this topographic point to garner in and usage of citizens. These modern designs, including public art, recreational installations, flowers, trees, and walls and sitting country were designed. This is a often happening on-site, and includes a java store, nutrient providers, and information Center for Tri-Met ( regional Portland ‘s theodolite bureau ) , which is the square cardinal factor in the success of the renovation. From doubleduty the siting countries by integrate public art, flowers, trees, walls and ample stepss. This is the activities event of the site that used often, from enhanced a java store and nutrient sellers, and besides as coachs and light rail service in the centre. Pioneer Courthouse Square is one of the first new regeneration of public infinites. It is no longer as a inactive green infinite, and it designed for the square scheduling and supposed to utilize by public. In fact, for such the utilizing substructure is constitutional, but they are responsible for the direction of infinite entities to guarantee that there continued effectual usage. Pioneer Square, Law Courts Building, the procedure of creative activity – the public arguments, fund-raising, the expansive gap ceremonial – were designed to back up occupants, which related to the Polish population. Support and three ocular connexions were from Tri-Met contacted Peoples with the square and metropolis centre as a whole. With an effectual direction organisation, the square has become the metropolis ‘s pride topographic point and the focal point of a assortment of community activities. Proved that the revival of downtown Portland square on the far-reaching impact livability. All sorts of the installations support the each facet of public infinite to community with people.Comfort & A ; ImageWhether it is a comfy infinite – to hold a good image, is the key to success. Comfort is including the safe facet, cleanliness and the handiness of topographic points to sit – allow the people choose what they want to sit ; most people have underestimated the importance of. In peculiar, adult females have the good Judgess on comfort and a good image for their more favoritism.Luxembourg Gardens, Paris, FranceLuxembourg Gardens is likely one of the most successful Parkss in the universe, because so good in the cloth environing the metropolis, which makes it has convenient integrating. There are many things to make, where people who use it: kids, the aged people, the Sorbonne University pupils, widely shown that the people throughout the tiffin interruption, and so on. Peoples go to walk, play cheat, sit down to read, people watching, sitting in a coffeehous e or to convey their kids or grandchildren adult female to one of the kids ‘s many attractive forces. Events go on in the park, including tennis, siting pony, marionette theaters, plaything boat ( child drifting in their them by cardinal fountain ) . Visitors besides can halt within the Palace, and attended by the Gallic Senate, which is a public clear. The park besides organized, such as aerial exposure, that from around the universe in fictile wrap, and besides keep advanced exhibitions and shows around the garden ; a big wooden platform displayed the map which including exposure web site, supplying people with slippers who wants to walk on it – many of the same.Uses & A ; ActivitiesActivity is an indispensable constituent of a topographic point. Something to cover with, it need to gives people a ground to put – and return. When there is anything we can make, a infinite will be empty, and normally means what is incorrect.Kungstradgarden, Stockholm, SwedenKungstradgarden is in the bosom of the metropolis, owed a small past embodiment from the royal household kitchen gardens to lush Parkss to bore the military personnels on the land. The 1953 became the birthday jubilations of Stockholm ‘s 700-year-old site, and the cardinal portion of the direction has been uninterrupted since so, as a flexible event and public presentation infinite. It has besides been the Swedish premiere of the phase: In 1953, the first hot Canis familiaris has been served at that place, and Piccolino introduced java and java in this King ‘s Garden, to the delectation of Swedish roof of the mouths. In 1962, the first unreal ice frozen skating-rink is completed in the park, and the first out-of-doorss cheat set and placed that began in the 1970ss. It is the flourish position in Kungstradgarde, as its direction capacity to accommodate such seasonal usage of a broad scope of public infinites. One of the chief elements in the Kungstradgarden is a big collapsible shelter covering major phases in the warm footings, where they perform about every twenty-four hours. Wholly, it has about 150 phases happen each twelvemonth. In add-on to 100-150 yearss of exhibitions, a Christmas market in December over the weekend, every bit good as a host of other activities. There are trees in the courtyard and on both street-sides of eating houses. A stairss to the sunken fountain is located in forepart of a eating house, garden centre is equipped with a big round place, a winter skating rink. While there are some warm-weather activities such as cheat, assortments of draughtss, table tennis, in a little ruddy bungalow for which the equipment was is available occur to the extent of these activities. The garden was redesigned in 1998, although before there was the same like this minute in the universe in footings of flexibleness, the ensuing layout is more stiff, so that many of these activities no longer possible. In add-on, there is a presentation resort area provided for kids ‘s playing. In all, nevertheless, Kungstradgarden is stay its popular, fantastic urban centres in the nucleus of a well-ventilated topographic point – and compared with the most other topographic points, it still has a wealth of events, activities and public presentations, each season, sponsored by local concerns and organisations, it is impressive.SociabilityThis is a hard topographic point to accomplish quality, but one time achieved it becomes a clear and univocal map. When people see friends, dating, run into their neighbours, should experience comfy interaction with aliens, they tend to experience that fond regard to the topographic point or a sense of belonging in their communities – and local publicity of these types of societal activities.Jackson Square, New Orleans, LAThis is the cardinal square in New Orleans Gallic Quarter is important keen layout, with three park confronting exuberant trees, flowers and attack in full of historical edifices. Outside the park, in add-on to the constitution of the fencing from the elegant, hustling with instrumentalists, creative persons, providers, fluctuations in the activities of prosaic entree, and street public presentations. From the next street is likewise impressive, foregrounding the rule, we in the Spirit frequently described as â€Å" making out like an octopus. †When you are closer and closer to capture the positions of an attractive square, street-level experience in alteration more interesting and look forward to is how to hold on the true power of you. Jackson Square is the figure of â€Å" sacred topographic points †in a peculiar metropolis. This sacred topographic point should be the basis of the metempsychosis of New Orleans. If each community can regenerate the focal point on the cardinal public topographic points such as Jackson Square itself, the metropolis may be powerful hurricanes than of all time before.Mentionhypertext transfer protocol: //
Acquiring Knowledge Essay
Knowledge agency power the whole solid ground craves for de tot solelyyedge, to jockey things, to deduct, to make accurate calculations and to make discerning decisions. entirely philosophers since ancient times defend with the gather upion regarding how friendship is acquired. Is it through with(predicate) the forcible senses of touch, smell, hearing, turn arounding, and taste? Is it through reason altogether? Three great philosophers tackled this question, they be Descartes, Locke, and Kant and all three of them presented three different ruleologies when it comes to getting companionship. The pursuit is serious and intense that a whole body of noesis is sanctified to finding come in the answers. It is called epistemology and these three philosophers get out serve as guides in the quest to know the loyalty near noesis.Descartes Rene Descartes is utter to be the father of modern philosophical system. He attempted to break with the philosophical traditio ns of his day by rejecting the Aristotelian philosophy of the schools which is the pledge of tradition and the authority of the senses (Craig, 1998). He genuine a methodological analysis on how to examine nature by reducing coordination compound problems to simpler cardinals and then analyzed further development direct intuition (Craig, 1998). on that pointfore, his main business line is that by upright thinking unrivaled stern discover solutions to problems. Interestingly Descartes had to back up to his old beliefs and everything that he considered truth in order for him to determine once and for all that indeed thither is a air to discover truth by chaste apply of intuition and non the cartel of the senses and traditions handed down from one coevals to the next. His first guinea pig was himself, he had to doubt his existence to know the truth, and non evidently believe that he exist beca hire society tells him that he does exist. He had what inventors and sc ientists called a eureka moment or a moment of great insight, when he finally blurted out Ego cogito, ergo centre of attention a statement in Latin famously translated as I think, whence I am (Broughton, 2008). This was the breakthrough that he was looking for and he expenditured it as a foundation from where he would ca design upon his theory of knowledge accomplishment. Descartes idea is dim edge at that time. He was one of the first to establish the principle of evolve ining knowledge and studying things that ar beyond the capabilities of the quintuple senses. There are human beingy aspects of mathematics that screw be ascertained not by victimisation the quintet senses further by the mere act of intuition. intuitively man has the ability to know the truth this is the main argument of Descartes. This is strengthened by the concept of prior knowledge. A superb example is the ability of a gratify to suck from the m some others boob the much needed nutrients for s urvival. A vitiate is almost blind from birth and provided able to perform such actions.LockeThe efficiency to practise the sense of sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste is one study path in gaining knowledge (Hartnack, 2001). It is in fact the ancient direction of knowing the environment and the complexities of human fundamental interaction such as language and relationships. fanny Locke is one of the major proponents for this method of knowledge acquisition that man has the capacitance of understand the reality around him by observing and utilizing the power of the five senses to harness information. Thus, it nooky be argued that man stick out wholly attain the world through his senses. In this model knowledge is true when it can be measured and observed through the senses.This is withal known as quackery. The meaning of this method can be seen in scientific applications of the use of observation and detailed measurements. Scientists, sociologists, and fifty- fifty philosophers from all over the world use this technique and it can even be argued that most people use charlatanism without even thinking about it. It is just natural for man to use his senses to understand his environment and the stimulus that he receives every waking moment.Immanuel Kant Kant is a primeval figure in modern philosophy because he was able to synthesize wee modern rationalism and quackery (Rholf, 2010). But this does not mean that Kant was completely favored in reconciling Descartes and Lockes views concerning the acquisition of knowledge. Kants critics even asserted that he had made it to a greater extent complicated and thence making it harder to determine the perfect methodology that can help humans superior the ability to acquire knowledge. Nevertheless, Kants major contribution can be summed up in two statements 1) human beings find out altogether appearances, not things in themselves and 2) place and time are noting other than the indispensabl e forms of human sensible intuition (Rohlf, 2010). This is an Copernican conclusion because at that place are things that empiricism and rationalism cannot cover but can only be ascertain if at that place is complete agreement of everything this is knowledge gained later on using other peoples insights and breakthroughs. For example ancient people see the sun orbiting around the earth, rationalism and empiricism provide not refute that produce until there is already a capability to improve on that knowledge and characterize it because now people know more about the motion of heavenly objects. similitude Descartes did not condition that there can only be one method when it comes to knowledge acquisition. The use of the five senses is not enough to know the truth. There are things in this world that can only be understood by judge the existence of prior knowledge and the use of intuition. There are numeral equations that proved useful in improving mans existence but the step in developing these mathematical equations was not derived by simply observing the world trough the fives senses. These came forth as a result of institution, simply because mathematical truths run low to an abstract world inaccessible by sense of smell, hearing, taste, touch, and sight. In the privacy of thought, a person can apply these mathematical equations and gain knowledge. other helplessness of using the five senses is that it is very subjective. Kant already pointed this out by stating that the five senses cannot be reliable all the time. For example the refraction of prosperous creates optical illusions. The eye communicates to the self and says that the smooch appears to be bent. But the spoon was only perceived to be deformed because of the egress of the action of light when it passes through water. Another problematic aspect of relying on the five senses is its unreliability when human beings are subjected to scratchy conditions. For example, a hiker lost in a desert will return to the effects of dehydration and begins to see mirage and other images that wait to be real but are not.Even with the obvious weaknesses of the empiric method of acquiring knowledge, it must also be pointed out that the five senses are indispensable tools when it comes to knowledge acquisition. No egress how subjective the five senses may seem to be it must be get laid that human beings can live inwardly a community because people understand each others languages and compliments the rules laid down by the leading or the elders. This would have been impossible without the use of the five senses.Moreover, the aforementioned weakness of the observational method can be slowly corrected using a third-party that will help verify the information. For example a person hallucinating in the sum of a desert can be rescued by paramedics. And the perfectly healthful rescuers can help the disorientated person to gain his or her bearing. If two people protest with regards to the exact height of the Statue of Liberty, they need not quarrel, they only need to ask an unprejudiced participant to measure the statue for them and settle their dispute. Thus, empiricism has only one valid weakness and it is the inability of man to know more than he should and therefore making conclusions without first knowing the big picture or having a complete understanding of the scientific law that governs a particular phenomenon. In this regard Kants ideas will be of great help.Conclusion Descartes view that there is indeed prior knowledge is an authorized first step in knowledge acquisition. The world is so complex and at the same time working uniform a well-oiled machine. However, it is not enough to simply say that knowledge can be gained by mere intuition. One has to agree with Locke that the five senses are indispensable tools when it comes to understanding the world. There is a need to observe and to measure in order to know the truth. But even so t here are limitations so that it is important to take into consideration what Kant said regarding the inability of the caput to make sense of everything. For example the movement of the earth and sun could never be completely understood by mere intuition or observation alone. There is no perfect methodology in epistemology there is a need to use each method to know the truth.ReferencesBroughton, J. (2008). Self-Knowledge. A Companion to Descartes. MA Blackwell Publishing.Craig, E. (1998). Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. tender York Routledge.Cicovacki, P. (2002). Between Truth and Illusion Kant at the Crossroads of Modernity.Maryland Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.Hartnack, J. (2001). Kants scheme of Knowledge Introduction to Critique of axenic Reason. IN Hacket Publishing, 2001.Rohlf, M. (2010). Immanuel Kant. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Accesed 27July 2010. Avaiable from http//
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