Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Industrial Research Paper on employment agencies and staffing agencies
Industrial on employment agencies and staffing agencies - Research Paper Example The performance and the industry’s trends are presented so that the role of the specific industry in the development of the local economy is made clear. The employment agencies of a well developed region of US, Boston, are also presented in order to show whether these agencies can perform high both at local and at national level. 2. Employment and staffing agencies in US – overview and characteristics Employment and staffing agencies have a critical role in the development of the US economy. The 10 largest employment and staffing agencies in US are presented in Table 1 (Appendix); in the above Table companies are ranked according to the revenue of their staff for the year 2011. In the particular table it is made clear that the variety of areas covered is the key criterion for employment agencies operating nationwide while at local level specialization seems to be more important, as in the case of Boston analyzed below. According to a report published by the American Sta ffing Association, the employment and staffing agencies operating across US help towards the hiring of about 12.9 million of people annually (American Staffing Association, Staffing Statistics 2012). It is also noted that the high majority of staff identified through these agencies is full time staff, at a percentage of about 79% (American Staffing Association, Staffing Statistics 2012). ... On the other hand, businesses value employment and staffing agencies because these agencies are able to offer to employers the chance to identify staff that will be more appropriate for a permanent role but also because these agencies are the most appropriate solution for identifying staff during busy periods (American Staffing Association, Staffing Statistics 2012). It should be noted that during the recent financial crisis, the employment and staffing agencies in US helped towards the stabilization of economy, contributing in the hiring of 786,000 people from 2009 to 2012 (American Staffing Association 2012). Still, the consequences of the recession on the industry’s performance have been severe being characterized by ‘the loss of about 1.2 million jobs in the particular industry during the first 18 months of the crisis’ (American Staff Association 2012). In the future, the industry’s firms could face the market’s challenges by focusing on temporar y and part-time roles that are highly popular, compared to the permanent positions (Rossheim 2012). 2a. Staffing agencies in Boston In Boston, there is increased need for staff specialized on particular subjects. Reference is made, especially to the tech sector but also to the finance and accounting sector. The area’s job market seems to offer many prospects to appropriately qualified candidates; still, the identification of these candidates is quite problematic, as revealed through the article of Farrell (2012). Most employment agencies operating in Boston are characterized as ‘client-intimate’ (Shaheen 2012), meaning that each staffing agency focuses on the promotion of interests of employers; in other words, in Boston ‘employers are considered as
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Links Between Social Change and Knowledge
Links Between Social Change and Knowledge When considering the immensity of accessible knowledge today in our high-tech society it seems more than evident that social change is in equation. The vast scope of fields in which ICT’s (information, communication, technologies) have invaded the global market with it’s unfathomable possibilities just might start a revolution. Knowledge societies now have freely accessible information transmitted instantaneously serving as a support for all essential needs. This capacity to meet the overall needs of the world and the reperccusions of global knowledge on mankind may conceal unthinkable changes. Education, environmental issues, government issues, religion, science ,wealth and risk management have become ressources through internet of intellectual sharing and education. Valuable information at the touch of the keyboard is not without the responsability that this implies.This massive information giving has caused considerable change in the personal development of each individual having access to a computer and internet, therefore allowing fulfilment in once unthinkable places, enabling the inclusion of disadvantaged people. On the other hand this may become another reason that accentuates social exclusion in developing countries. The gap between internet users and non internet users may become unbridgeable at some point. Computer savvy and computer illiterate may plunge the needy into even a greater abyss. What will the side effects be when highly educated masses meet their extreme opposite counterparts? Imagine the freedom of expression in any given language due to training, an inquisitive eye for other cultures, other lands, other ways of being and expressions of life. The cultural shock would jolt our high-tech societies into facing the fact that with all this information there are still huge discepansies of social classes throughout the world. We frankly need to’ mind the gap’! This social exclusion for the sake and risk of revolutionary technologies may also cause our downfall. The incredible benefits for those that have access as compared to those who don’t is reinforcing the idea of social power. Companies and individuals have become direct advocates of risk management and wealth management. On a daily basis right from your home or office you can consult any of your personal investments 24 hours a day. People have become their own financial partners having consequently earned their financial freedom. This freedom has made considerable social changes .People are more and more aware of the myriad of finacial placement possibilites and their options. Without having to leave the ofice they are able to orchestrate their choices by internet which not only brings them to finacial freedom, but to more leisure time.People are planning their future in an industrious way. What can we say for the risk society in social changes? We can probably say that the stakes are even higher than they were before. Social contrast, environmental pollution, nuclear and chemical weapons, transportation, the crime rate, drug abuse, war, civilian protection, military mangement; all of which through globalisation have created a state of international insecurity. Awareness on a daily basis of this state of unsafeness has largely contributed to either ignoring the situation and living with your head in the sand, or doing something about it. The person playing the ostrich will still feel insecure. The person that employs his energy in doing something about it may also feel insecure although he has made the choice to make a small step towards change on another level. Neither one of the two cases illustrated is a comfortable situation to be in . Generations of wearing blinders makes for more generations of wearing blinders which can only ignite the steaming anger of the disadvantaged. On the other hand there are those who give their support doing their best to nuture a feeling of solidarity towards the less fortunate. Social changes are also produced by the risk society for several other outstanding reasons. The fact that a high rate of divorce means children coming from mono-parental homes and the precariousness therein is a risk foundation factor of today’s society; Children are left to their own sort,while women are making up for lost time in executive positions on the work force. This new work pattern will affect the structure of the society in it’s roots. Medicine has made astounding technological advancements in disease prevention and treatments.Which means we have a high increase in population of people over fifty. Science and medicine alike have progressed in all areas through consequent research. The outmost prepoderance today is in the domain of bioethics. How are we as citizens of the world going to respect, encourage, develop, the the safekeeping of humanity through scientific practices? Therefore using those creations for the good of mankind excluding any attempt to manipulate, exploit, destroy,or govern others through these practices. We have come to the stage of our development when it might seem as if we were all reading a former science fiction scenario which has finally come true. How have religious beliefs changed with knowledge? Religion has always been subjective whereas science is prouvable knowledge. In the light of the fact that’ faith’ is’ faith ‘ religion has basically remained the same. Few or little changes have occured in the basic concepts. What has changed is the participation and questioning of how faith is transposed. Recently at a conference a woman in the audience made the remark that when the chips are down people turn to their faith and to their God. What awareness has changed are the blossoming number of charities in the world today. People are using their faith and expressing it through social services to the disadvantaged. If church attendance is ‘down’ the charitiy services are’ up’ putting faith into action. Advocates of human rights charities, NGO’s, and humanitarian services combined represent a great influence in counter balancing political issues. Interdenomonational efforts are being made for problem solving, empowerme nt, and conscience raising. Since the emphasis s not put on the doctrines but more on the strengths of uniting forces, yet another social pattern is changing in the face of new knowledge. In Europe this plurality is especially changing patterns when it comes to world peace. You may find at the same peace movement Muslims, Communists, Catholics all with the same amount of exploitable energy for world peace. A wave of interest for self-help litterature and New Age spirituality are allowing people to commit themselves in a more individually expressed way. Some choose community service, others NGO’s which may have a more political priority towards human rights, politics, clubs, or groups of people with standards and values to uphold that do not necessarily have a religious doctrine connotation but with a sense of mankind. Globalisation of thoughts has brought about many changes. We need to take into consideration that readily available knowledge influences thought and produces changes in patterns. Whenever there is a change in patterns society is directly implicated as a result of those changes. Globalisation has lead to localization. People may suffer a loss of the individual being drowned by the mass in his identification process. He will therefore feel a need to imply himself on a lesser scale to connect with non virtual existences and to have real life contact. The tendancy w ill be to form small groups as opposed to immense circles. Business has already predomonated the patterns by imposing it’s multinational structures upon the world. People will feel a need for real human contact on a smaller scale to be able to face the more universal scale they observe everyday on television. Taking good care of oneself has also become a new priority. A sort of self-awareness that has it’s repercissions on the choice of knowledge saught and it’s resulting change in patterns of thought. Change the thought patterns and society is highly affected as people with self- help in mind and individual emergence are evolving. Innovative skills and knowledge are at our disposal for inner growth. Perhaps the awakening of the ‘self’ will allow individuals to meet global needs when their own needs are fulfilled. Media has changed our vision through worlwide news reports. Terrorist attacks have been presented live on TV throughout the entire world. The risk society is even more exposed to insecurity by what is said than by what remains unsaid. Commercials have shaped the image of men and women and given children role models that impress upon them neurotic behaviour as being quite normal. Reality shows are allowing us to enter into somebody’s living room and experience their daily life in every aspect. This is bound to have an effect on our vision of others and our opinion of the world and it’s inhabitants. Our reasoning has been greatly influenced by the everyday aspect of media use through television, radio, magazines, newspapers. This constant focusing of visual and auditive input has also been a determining factor in social change. In conclusion, countless examples of how knowledge is linked to social change have lead me to believe that without knowledge in the first place there would be little room for change in the first place. When the expression’ ignorance is bliss’ is used it might just be that with the acceptance of knowledge the notion of responsability is heavy with meaning. The inevitable social changes that will occur stemming from cognitive growth are perhaps not always what we would hope them to be. Citizens of the world need to assume their knowledge and the forthcoming responsibilities that it will engender. References: Bauman Zygmunt (1992) Intimations of Postmodernity, London, Rutledge Beck, Ulrich (1992) Risk Society; Towards a New Modernity, London: Sage (1992) Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Whc.unesco.org/world-he.htm The Development of Common Risk ‘society’ a theoretical overview Shaw Martin www.sussex.ac.uk Rethinking Science: knowledge and the Public in the Age of Uncertainty (2001) Nowontny Helga, Scott Peter, Gibbons Michael (2001) Cambridge Polity Press
Friday, October 25, 2019
Sai Baba :: essays research papers
On November 23, 1926, in a remote village in southern India, Sai Baba was born and given the family name of Satyanarayana Raju. He was one of the person born for success. Many stories began that after Sathya was born, strange "miracles" were beginning to occur. His was different from the children around him, and his actions and behaviors were obviously very strange. He was a vegetarian, unlike the rest of his family. He lived opposite his parents in a way that his life was nothing like theirs. At the age of 13, Sathya received some sort of pain in his foot. He was unconscious for a day, and when he awoke, his behavior had awkwardly changed. People believed that he was possessed by an evil spirit. In 1940, people began to call Sathya an incarnation of God. Sathya corrected this accusation easily by telling his father that he wasn't an incarnation of God, but of a Moslem holy man, named Sai Baba of Shirdi. He had passed away in 1918, eight years before Sathya's birth. Sathya's fame was widely spread when the stories of his "miracles" were passed on. He was known to heal the sick, and the blind. He also protected those who needed help. Sathya has physically appeared in two places at the same time and he has raised several people from the dead. The way Sathya's miracle stories have been passed on, reminds me of how Jesus' stories were passed on, and easily believed. They both healed the blind, the sick, helped the needy. But it is obvious that Sathya could never be compared to Jesus. Sathya's teachings have influenced many people, and have caused more than 10, 000 service organizations throughout the world. There are thousands of followers that have lived by the words and teachings of Sathya.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Introduction to Banking Essay
1) Outline three ways in which the behavior of the financial system could affect the level of aggregate demand in the economy. The creation of liquid assets, the expansion of banking and money and the changes in people’s financial wealth are three ways by which the financial system could affect the level of aggregate demand in the economy. For a real economy to expand, liquidity of assets is a requirement and the availability of liquid assets increases the aggregate demand in the economy as consumers have easy access to cash when needed as liquid assets are assets that can be easily converted into cash. The expansion of banking and money also affects the level of aggregate demand in a positive way. The availability of proper banking systems which include financial intermediation increases the aggregate demand in the economy as people would be encouraged to spend and invest. Depending on the economy’s situation, changes in people’s financial wealth can have either a positive or negative on aggregate demand. Suppose the economy was experiencing a boom, the level of income and expenditure would be high and people would tend to spend more as a result of an increase in the aggregate demand. However, if the economy was going through a recession, the opposite would occur leading to a decline in spending thus a decrease in aggregate demand. 2) Suppose that prices in the US stock market suffer a major collapse. What effect would you expect this to have upon the rest of the US economy and the economies of other developed countries? As a reflection to what has happened in January 2001 when the FTSE-100 index of stock prices fell by 50%, the US economy, economies of other countries and people within the US were greatly affected by this fall in prices. Possible effects would include central bank’s around the world lowering interest rates, aggregate demand would decline, saving would increase since people would become very reluctant to invest in stocks, people committed to paying pensions would find that their investments would no longer support their payments. 3) Why does a company’s share price matter in a takeover battle? If you were the financial director of the predator firm, what would you want to happen to your firm’s share price? Might you be able to influence it in any way? In general, the share price determines how much needs to be paid for a takeover to take place. The share price matters because it reflects a unit of ownership in a company which works as an advantage in the case of a takeover battle if it was low. As a financial director of the predator firm, I would want to increase the share price as much as possible to protect the firm and to stimulate competition. I would try to influence the price though marketing and through focusing on the potential market share. 4) Why might financial systems fail to allocate resources to their most desirable use? Financial systems might fail to allocate resources to their most desirable use due to different reasons which include: lack of resources available in the economy, shortage of funds circulating in the financial system, the cost of investment might be high, the interest rates might be high and many different competitors working within the same sectors hinders the proper allocation of resources to their most desirable use.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions Essay
5 Ethical Dilemmas You live next door to an Arab family, and you hear the husband talking negatively about the United States. Your friends at work tell you that you should report him to the police because he might be a terrorist. What would you do? Why? Georgia says that she would observe the man and the house to watch and take notes on what was going on and if her suspicions went further she would call the police. But I personally believe that I would go ahead and report what I had heard that way when I do find more evidence I can turn it in to the police so they have evidence against him instead of just going on one mishap that they know of. You are a prison guard supervising a tier. One of the inmates comes to you and asks a favor. Because he is a troublemaker, his mail privileges have been taken away. He wants you to mail a letter for him. You figure it’s not such a big deal; besides, you know he could make your job easier by keeping the other inmates on the tier in line. What would you tell him. Josh would tell him he needs to request to speak with someone in a higher position and he needs to talk to his counselor because it’s a federal crime to do the favor and that being bribery can get him put in segregation. I would have to completely agree with him because I wouldn’t want to get fired or even sent to prison for helping give someone a break just to get a little respect from the prisoners and one bribe leads to blackmail and a lot more trouble. You are a deputy prosecutor and have to decide whether to charge a defendant with possession and sale of a controlled substance. You know you have a good case because the guy sold to the local junior high school, and many of the kids are willing to testify. The police are pressuring you to make a deal because he has promised to inform on other dealers in the area if you don’t prosecute. What should you do? Ciara would lock him up because he was selling to kids not adults. And she wou ld tell cops to do their jobs, because if he could tell them the names of the other dealers then they work closely and she would just go down the chain. I agree with Ciara, but I think I would give him a deal but he would still have to do some time because they were kids but it would be less time and probation. But he still has to give me everyone he knows not just a few people. There is a well-known minor criminal in your district. Everyone is aware that he is engaging in a variety of crimes, including burglary, fencing, and drug dealing. However, you have been unable to make a case against him. Now he is the victim of a crime where he has been assaulted and robbed at gunpoint. How would you treat his case? Jennifer feels like he still deserves justice, whether the guy is a criminal or not and it may get him to change his ways. I agree with Jenni that he does deserve justice but I would still try to get him to talk about his criminal activity as well to find out why he was targeted because he may have robbed the other person before. You are asked to enforce a law that you believe to be wrong. For instance, you are supposed to protect a member of the Ku Klux Klan during a speech when your feelings are directly contrary to the views expressed by this individual, and you don’t believe that he should have the right to speak. What would you do? What would you do if you were told to deliberately perform your job in such a way as to ensure that the speaker will be injured by a hostile crowd? Avise would just leave she wouldn’t be forced to do something that goes against her beliefs. And with her being mixed she would not want to hear him talk bad about other races. I believe I would protect the person to the best of my ability whether I agree with them or not. It’s still my job and I would not care if I was told to let the person get hurt.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Dancing With Wolves essays
Dancing With Wolves essays Lt. John Dunbar was lying on a hospital bed, leg totally mutilated. Barely conscious, the man over heard the surgeon say he could not amputate this mans leg as tired as he was. Dunbar didnt like what he heard, so when the surgeons left, he grabbed his boat, and he slowly slid the boat up his mutilated foot biting on a stick to relive the massive pain. He returned to the battlefield, with only one thing on his mind, suicide. So, he took a horse, and rode it directly in front of the Confederate army. He rode and rode, never getting hit by any bullet flying by him. The Union army then crushed the Confederate army and this maid Dunbar a war hero. He pled to the general to keep his leg, and he did. After his foot healed he had the option of going to any fort. He chose to go west, to the plains. He left with one of the peasants from the fort he was in, to a post out in the plains. When he arrived there was no one there. He decided to stay and sent the peasant back. He settled in very well. One day when he was washing up, he had a run in with an Indian. He scared the Indian off. Then a few came soon after. He decided to go over to the tribe and talk with them. He found a lady along the way, who was slicing her wrists. He took her back to her tribe. The Indians did not respond very well. They later got along, the women he found spoke a little English, and they were able to communicate. Him and the Indians became very close. He was like one of the tribe. Ever since he got to his post, there was a wolf, he saw all the time, and he named him 2 socks. One day, he was playing with the wolf and the Indians named him Dances with Wolves. Most of the men of the tribe sent out one day trying to make peace with another tribe. Dances with Wolves was assigned to watch the chiefs family. While the men were gone, the tribe was attacked me other Indians. Danc ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Surface Tension of Water Research Essay Example
Surface Tension of Water Research Essay Example Surface Tension of Water Research Essay Surface Tension of Water Research Essay My science fair project is on the surface tension of water and what affects the surface tension of water. The question that I am going to ask is how does temperature and salinity of water affect the surface tension of the water. My hypothesis is that the colder and the saltier that the water is, the stronger that the surface tension of the water will be. Some of the background research that I have done has explained to me that the surface tension of water is a property of a liquids surface that can cause it to resist external forces. Surface tension is caused by the property of cohesion which is intermolecular attraction between two or more similar molecules. The molecules on the surface of the liquid in this case water have no molecules on top of them and are pulled inward which creates internal pressure of the liquid which causes the surface to contract to the minimal area possible. An easier way to look at it is like this, a molecule that is in contact with an acquaintance is in a lower state of energy than if it were alone so there for the interior of molecules have as many neighbors as they can possibly have but the outer molecules that are on the surface do not try to do such and they have a much higher energy because of it. I also found that surface tension is measured in forces per unit length and stated in newton’s per meter but it can also be measured as joules per square meter if it is in the use of thermodynamics where it is expressed as work done per unit of area where it is stored as potential energy which is the energy that a piece of matter has because of its position or because of its arrangement of parts. Water molecules that are at the surface are like a frozen stretched out sheet of optimally bonded molecules, as the molecules shake into the minimal energy configuration. Each water molecule which consists of one oxygen and two hydrogen’s also known as H2O can form hydrogen bonds with four other water molecules. The way that surface tension forms is first that the number of hydrogen bonds of water molecules on the surface is maximized as much as possible then entropy which is a statistical measure of the disorder of a closed system is maximized by minimizing the amount of water molecules on the surface. Lastly tension on the surface of the water is increased as the high energy molecules move to the low energy regions of the fluid. The air outside of the surface film is hydrophobic which means that it cannot form a hydrogen bond that is why the water molecules cannot form hydrogen bonds with the air because air is composed of largely spaced gas molecules. The surface of the water does come into contact with the air though but it happens rarely and when it does the nitrogen and oxygen molecules collide with the water and no bonds are formed so the gas molecules return to freely float around the air. The interface boundary of the liquid in this case water is formed by the difference in attractions between liquids and gases. The measurement of surface tension of a liquid is really just a measurement of forces because of its various properties of balancing the forces which create surface tension. Surface interactions are very critical in analyzing the behavior of liquids. Modern methods of surface tension measurement can be digital, like the Goniometer method, which measures surface contact angle and the capillary pressure between two fixed fluids, like water and air. This method measures pressure differences of the two fluids and compares the pressure to the shape of the liquids surface. There are very many uses of surface tension measurement. Surface interactions are a major process in examining the behavior of liquids. The relationship between the pressures involved in surface tension measurement is very important in defining their properties. There are several different forms of surface tension which means that there are many different ways of measuring surface tension in terms of data applications and analyzations. The most commonly known way is called the du Nouy ring method developed in 1925 by Pierre Lecomte du Nouy which is a method which uses a force to lift a platinum ring from the surface of a liquid and measuring the amount of force that was required to do so. I did much research into the ideas and theories behind surface tension and what I found most interesting was the different ways of measuring the surface tension and how the surface tension cannot bond with air. Bibliography: * Coffey, J. (n. d. ). Surface Tension. Universe Today - Space and astronomy news. Retrieved November 9, 2011, from universetoday. com/81655/surface-tension/ * Surface tension. (n. d. ). Attension Precision made simple. Retrieved November 9, 2011, from attension. com/surface-tension. aspx * Viscosity-Surface Tension-properties of liquid. (n. d. ). Welcome to City Collegiate. Retrieved November 9, 2011, from citycollegiate. com/viscosity. htm * ayers, a. (n. d. ). What Is Surface Tension? : Hydrogen Bonds, Organized Water and Maximized Entropy | Suite101. com. Suite101. com: Online Magazine and Writers Network. Retrieved November 9, 2011, from suite101. com/content/what-is-surface-tension-a133497 * mcdonagh, b. (n. d. ). Surface Tension Measurement – ATA Scientific Articles. Particle Size Analyser, Rheometers, CD Spectropolarimeters ATA Scientific. Retrieved November 9, 2011, from atascientific. com. au/blog/2010/06/21/surface-tension-measurement//
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Read a Lot of Dry Text Quickly
How to Read a Lot of Dry Text Quickly Dry text is a term used to describe text that might be boring, long-winded, or written purely for academic value rather than entertainment value. You can often find dry text in textbooks, case studies, business reports, financial analysis reports, etc. In other words, dry text appears in many of the documents you will need to read and study while you are pursuing a business degree. You may have to read dozens of textbooks and hundreds of case studies while enrolled in business school. To stand any chance of getting through all of your required reading, you will need to learn how to read a lot of dry text quickly and efficiently. In this article, were going to take a look at a few tricks and methods that will help you wade through all of your required reading. Find a Good Place to Read Although it is possible to read almost anywhere, your reading environment can have a huge impact on how much text you cover and how much information you retain. The best reading places are well-lit, quiet, and offer a comfortable place to sit. The environment should also be free of distractions- human or otherwise. Use the SQ3R Method of Reading The Survey, Question, Read, Review and Recite (SQ3R) method of reading is one of the most commonly used approaches to reading. To use the SQ3R method of reading, follow these five simple steps: Survey - Scan the material before you actually begin reading. Pay special attention to titles, headings, bold or italicized words, chapter summaries, diagrams, and pictures with captions.Question - As you read, you should constantly ask yourself what the key takeaway point is.Read - Read what you need to read, but focus on comprehending the material. Seek the facts and write information down as you learn.Review - Review what you have learned when you finish reading. Look at your notes, chapter summaries, or things you have written in the margin and then reflect on key concepts.Recite - Recite what you have learned aloud in your own words until you are confident that you understand the material and could explain it to someone else. Learn to Speed Read Speed reading is a great way to get through a lot of dry text quickly. However, it is important to remember that the goal of speed reading involves more than just reading fast- you need to be able to comprehend and retain what you are reading. You can study speed reading techniques online to learn exactly how its done. There are also a number of speed reading books on the market that can teach you various methods. Focus on Recall, Not Reading Sometimes, reading every assignment just isnt possible no matter how hard you try. Dont worry if you find yourself in this predicament. Reading every word isnt necessary. Whats important is that you are able to recall the most important information. Keep in mind that memory is highly visual. If you can create a mental memory tree, it may be easier for you to visualize and later recall facts, statistics, and other key information that you need to remember for class assignments, discussions, and tests. Get more tips on how to remember facts and information. Read Backwards Starting at the beginning of a textbook chapter isnt always the best idea. You are better off flipping to the end of the chapter where you will usually find a summary of key concepts, a list of vocabulary terms, and a list of questions that cover main ideas from the chapter. Reading this end section first will make it easier for you to locate and focus on the important topics when you read the rest of the chapter.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Evil and Omnipotence J. L. Mackie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Evil and Omnipotence J. L. Mackie - Essay Example Alternatively, his suggestions explore the diverse nature of approaching evil from a logical and empirical context instead of applying sentimentality. Mackie’s argument in his brilliant article Evil and Omnipotence describes evil as inconsistent with a belief in God. According to the author, evil thrives independently and this often necessitates several problems that are worth noting. For example, a belief in God interferes with the decisions that people make in their lives. Consequently, this causes humanity to solve their challenges using logical or scientific methodologies that are not connected to the finer details of evil. Likewise, the existence of evil is fueled by the disbelief in God in terms of decisions and actions that individuals make to survive. Therefore, the inconsistency arises when good surpasses the power of evil in influencing belief systems. The idea that God does not exist equally dilutes the essence of the argument because most atheists assert the lack of rationality in a supreme being. God’s omnipotence, thus, is fallacious because evil cannot thrive if he is in control of the universe as expl ored by Mackie in his piece. Alternatively, theological positions adopted by most believers allege that while God is good, evil is still present and is committed by human beings. Lack of correct propositions is other forms of illusions that make evil inconsistent because it does not acknowledge the universal good of reality. As a result, fallacies and ethics fail to meet the stipulated standards of ascertaining the consistency of good in society. Constituent propositions have also become negative in differentiating between good and evil while also affirming the belief in God (Mackie 201). Overall, the universe only progresses both materially and spiritually because evil overcomes the complex patterns of the human freewill and the solution. The two options that Mackie discusses as possible solutions are the issue of unlimited
Friday, October 18, 2019
Summarize and analyze the peer-reviewed article you selected, briefly Essay
Summarize and analyze the peer-reviewed article you selected, briefly noting how it differs from the nonpeer-reviewed resource you used - Essay Example ed article is also organized into sections like abstract, introduction, methodology, results and discussions unlike in the non peer reviewed where the article may or may not have subtitles. The peer reviewed article also gives the names of all the scholars who are involved in criticizing the article which is not the case with the non peer reviewed article. This article helps one understand the Restless Legs Syndrome which is a health problem and the medical costs of its treatment. The article explores Restless Legs Syndrome, it causes and how the syndrome was diagnosed in a group of people and this gives me insights on how to conduct a research on this healthcare problem and other problems (Calloway et.al, 2012). As a scholar and a practitioner in health care administration, this peer- reviewed article is quite beneficial as it helps in understanding the economic burden in the treatment of the syndrome. The peer reviewed articles gives a scholar-practitioner in health care adequate knowledge in research and health care plans which should be implemented to reduce all costs associated with the treatment of the
Appeal letter suspension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Appeal letter suspension - Essay Example However, while I was placing significant amount of time in my English, my performance in other units went down the gutter. My advisor further advised me to drop the other units that were giving me challenges and pick PE and GEC classes, but then I would not have sufficient credits to fill the required 12 credits that I needed for the semester. This meant that my only way out of the problem was to deal with the tough courses. I attempted my best and got through with the semester. Further problems emanated from the fact that I lived far and travelling cost me a great time that I would have spent studying or visiting my family. Attempts to correct this problem were futile, at least in the timeline that I intended. Nevertheless, I made every effort possible to produce good results, and I managed to raise my GPA from 0.91 to 1.583. My current efforts are geared towards raising my GPA above 2.0, and I hope to get the opportunity to do so next Fall semester. Please understand that the performance that I have presented over the recent semester does not reflect my academic capabilities, but is coupled with other problems that I was going through. I am currently working hard to improve my situation and promise that I will record a GPA of more than 2.0 next Fall semester. Thank you for your consideration and for accepting my
Information Systems and Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Information Systems and Organisation - Essay Example There is no quantitative analysis for the qualitative problem, instead, SSM at its most basic form, is the qualitative analysis that lends to a solution. Tajino and Smith (2005) describe how SSM differs from a hard quantitative approach because the problems are regarding human activity systems and the manner in which HAS are holistically related with the people in a situation. The core competency of SSM is to comprehend that the model is the human activity systems that drive conflicts and an analytical approach to qualifying the subjective information into a system of resolution. The world view of SSM is "constituted, created or constructed by the concepts we use in our observations of and statements about the world" (Christis p 11. 2005). In Checkland and Stoles seven stage model, as described by Tajino and Smith (2005) the first stage in SSM is to visualize the situation, although this is true for most research and problem solving methods, Checkland and Stoles take this a bit farther to negotiate the empirical and subjective evidence into the secondary stage, which is the problem situation, defined according to the aforementioned evidence. The third stage leans to the actual language of the system, the manner in which the system develops to finalize a resolution, and this step is the root definition of the relevant and purposeful activity systems that are engaged in the particular problem. The root definition is where the Weltanschauung becomes understood from the root causes that transform the problems entity. Stage four is again system language invasive, this is the conceptual model of the processes named in the root definition; in short this is the stage where the perceived world is enhanced and broken into its s eparate but complexly interrelated parts. In stage five, the conceptual model is compared with the reality of the world, and used to compare stage four with stage two, with the effective idea to allow for a critical definition of the conceptual model that is a feasible model for human actions, and this feasibility is further explored in stage six. Stage six develops on the inherent and desirable changes that are feasible within the real domain of human interactions and human relationships. The conclusion to SSM comes in stage seven, where actions for improvement are identified. In the group project A, we examined ESCO Ltd and created an SSM analysis. The strategies of the application were in line with the steps, where the problem was disorganized and then identified. A CATWOE analysis the constitution of those individual elements in the system assists in developing a comprehensive root definition, and from that analysis, the root definition regarding ESCO's problems were stated as: An ESCO owned and staffed system which is leaded by three departments understands and deals with the customer complaints; provides ongoing support and maintenance to customers through the system; provides customer and staff training program; undertakes that procedure and modify if required and discharge customers when appropriate. Where the conceptual model when compared to the rich picture noted some concerned issues that should be highlighted. Lack of Communication-a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Novel of John Cheever The Bullet Park and The Five Forty Eight by John Essay
Novel of John Cheever The Bullet Park and The Five Forty Eight by John Cheever - Essay Example The great thing about John Cheever was his capacity for invention. (Donaldson,1998).He merges compassion and wit while maintaining the absurdity of the surroundings’ and pointlessness of their behaviors and actions, his stories hold out the hope of redemption in love and sense of revenge and unforgiving attitude Such as in the story â€Å"Five-forty-Five†and his novel†The bullet park†. John Cheever was a complex person himself and during the course of his life he was saddled by the habit of alcoholism and infidelities but he presented himself so earnestly as a Man in Brooks’ brother suit, his life was as contradictory as his characters and so his writing is not neat and raises so many questions and answer’s very less.(The guardian,2009). Cheever rightly described himself near the end of his life, in a heartbreaking sentence: "I am one of those old men; I am like a voyager who cannot remember the streams he has travelled." (Gottlieb,2002). Vengeance and conflict due to spiritual and moral emptiness is evident between contradictory characters. In the novel â€Å" The Bullet Park†, author portrays an array of well kept houses and more than well mannered people of the town the Bullet Park but Cheever’s characters always has a double meaning to them and an unobserving reader might fail to see the crouching beast dangerously hidden behind those well kept houses. The story unfolds as a fateful intersection of two men the innocent Eliot Nailles and his nemesis, Paul Hammer, whose object is to murder his neighbor's son, takes place. The novel has an aura of retribution from the beginning. For example the chosen names for the characters are Hammer and Nailles, which show the exact opposite of each other and every quality of hammer is lacked in a nail. It is the first impression of reckless and conflicting situation between the two characters and the author tried to expose their rivalry for each other by his blunt , quite witty and creative writing.(Shannon,1998) Cheever’s view of rivalry and revenge is also seen in the description of his characters as the two main characters’ were exactly opposite of each other, in short the characters are also in the state of conflict, not just in their names but also in their defining characters as well. In the beginning the complete description of Elliot Nailles is given as person, who is responsible, loving and caring in short a good man but incomplete because he is a simple minded optimist who keeps his expectations to the sky no matter what befalls him. He is a simple man so uncomplicated that the intricacies of life disgust him. According to him anything but action should be taken in demanding situations or emotions should not be valued so much in front of responsibilities. Elliot’s son Tony is another one of his dilemmas, as he refuses to leave his bed just because he feels sad and Nailles is stumped the plight of his son. On the other hand Hammer is everything Nailles is not, a bastard son of a mother and absent father. With his dashing looks Hammer represents instability, restlessness and irregularity of his character. Where Nailles was utterly simple, Hammer is so complex that he is unable to understand himself. His sinful life became a reason for depression and he takes decision to sooth his conscience with sacrifice. Now here what is notable, is lack of logic behind the planned murder. There is no explanation of why and what. In Cheever’
Project leadership and change management plan Essay
Project leadership and change management plan - Essay Example In the case of Farnsdale, the project involves the change of the management system including the leadership approaches used by the business. The firm becomes the project since it has defects in all departments. The first phase will include a clarification of the firms goals, mission, and objectives. Additionally, individual departments should also adopt personal and group objectives that will serve as motivational factors for the firm in the long-run. The approach will also identify the presence of double role allocation that is the major cost of the firm’s costs due to increased employee numbers. The leadership structure will also be identified as the main source of failure since the rigid corporate structure. Ms. Cynthia Simpson does not have the required leadership skills to run such a large company. All she cares about is power and a management structure that will adhere to her rules. The presence of many bosses and unnecessary positions are also part of the problem because the firm incurs more costs in settling salaries with fewer outputs. The increment in the number of secretaries portrays double role allocation that would be catered for by one employee. The business also lacks team attitude that in most cases is responsible for personal competition. The factor has led to top employees leaving the firm since there are no competition and employee satisfaction. The lack of motivation has caused the employees to conduct their allocated roles on monetary motives rather than company objectives and goals (Blake and Bush, 2009). Farnsdale also lacks proper communication channels between the higher ranks and the workers in lower departments. The leadership approach can be determined as autocratic since Ms. Cynthia Simpson does not take advice from other leaders in the firm. She makes operation decisions on her own while her ‘Clowns agree
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Novel of John Cheever The Bullet Park and The Five Forty Eight by John Essay
Novel of John Cheever The Bullet Park and The Five Forty Eight by John Cheever - Essay Example The great thing about John Cheever was his capacity for invention. (Donaldson,1998).He merges compassion and wit while maintaining the absurdity of the surroundings’ and pointlessness of their behaviors and actions, his stories hold out the hope of redemption in love and sense of revenge and unforgiving attitude Such as in the story â€Å"Five-forty-Five†and his novel†The bullet park†. John Cheever was a complex person himself and during the course of his life he was saddled by the habit of alcoholism and infidelities but he presented himself so earnestly as a Man in Brooks’ brother suit, his life was as contradictory as his characters and so his writing is not neat and raises so many questions and answer’s very less.(The guardian,2009). Cheever rightly described himself near the end of his life, in a heartbreaking sentence: "I am one of those old men; I am like a voyager who cannot remember the streams he has travelled." (Gottlieb,2002). Vengeance and conflict due to spiritual and moral emptiness is evident between contradictory characters. In the novel â€Å" The Bullet Park†, author portrays an array of well kept houses and more than well mannered people of the town the Bullet Park but Cheever’s characters always has a double meaning to them and an unobserving reader might fail to see the crouching beast dangerously hidden behind those well kept houses. The story unfolds as a fateful intersection of two men the innocent Eliot Nailles and his nemesis, Paul Hammer, whose object is to murder his neighbor's son, takes place. The novel has an aura of retribution from the beginning. For example the chosen names for the characters are Hammer and Nailles, which show the exact opposite of each other and every quality of hammer is lacked in a nail. It is the first impression of reckless and conflicting situation between the two characters and the author tried to expose their rivalry for each other by his blunt , quite witty and creative writing.(Shannon,1998) Cheever’s view of rivalry and revenge is also seen in the description of his characters as the two main characters’ were exactly opposite of each other, in short the characters are also in the state of conflict, not just in their names but also in their defining characters as well. In the beginning the complete description of Elliot Nailles is given as person, who is responsible, loving and caring in short a good man but incomplete because he is a simple minded optimist who keeps his expectations to the sky no matter what befalls him. He is a simple man so uncomplicated that the intricacies of life disgust him. According to him anything but action should be taken in demanding situations or emotions should not be valued so much in front of responsibilities. Elliot’s son Tony is another one of his dilemmas, as he refuses to leave his bed just because he feels sad and Nailles is stumped the plight of his son. On the other hand Hammer is everything Nailles is not, a bastard son of a mother and absent father. With his dashing looks Hammer represents instability, restlessness and irregularity of his character. Where Nailles was utterly simple, Hammer is so complex that he is unable to understand himself. His sinful life became a reason for depression and he takes decision to sooth his conscience with sacrifice. Now here what is notable, is lack of logic behind the planned murder. There is no explanation of why and what. In Cheever’
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
United 93 Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
United 93 Film - Essay Example United 93 Film The events in the movie are intended to be as truthful as possible, and it takes on the views and opinions of some of the family members of the victims. The movie begins with a scene of the hijackers praying in their hotel room. It then shows the four attackers leaving for Newark International Airport. Before they board the plane, a scene shows one of the hijackers calling his family members and saying goodbye. I was taken aback by this because I have always seen those people as terrorists and monsters, yet the seemed to be human just like me or anyone else during this movie. Once the plane is in the air, the scene is just like any normal morning domestic flight; people are laughing and joking around, sitting quietly in their seats, while others were just taking sips of coffee while admiring the view. While this flight is in the air, on the ground we can see the television coverage of the two planes crashing into the World Trade Center; the passengers on Flight 93 are oblivious to th e fact. Meanwhile, the terrorists are discussing among themselves when to start their operation. One of the hijackers assembles a fake bomb, while the other three storm the cockpit. The passengers begin to understand the events happening in New York and thus decide to retake the plane to prevent a similar event from occurring. They overpower the terrorist who claims to be holding a bomb, which later turns out to be a fake.
Monday, October 14, 2019
How Do Abiotic Factors Influence the Rate of Photosynthesis?
How Do Abiotic Factors Influence the Rate of Photosynthesis? Table of Contents (Jump to) I. Background Research Design II. Research Question III. Hypothesis IV. Variables V. Apparatus VI. Safety Aspects/Animal Welfare Issues VII. Method Data Collection and Processing Conclusion and Evaluation Evaluation Conclusion Bibliography I. Background Research Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants, algae and cyanobacteria use the energy of sunlight to form carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll. Organisms need complex carbon compounds to build the structure of their cells and to process essential and vital procedures. Some organisms are able to form all the carbon compounds they need using only light energy and simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide and water (Alott Mindorff). Photosynthesis can be described by a chemical equation. The overall balanced equation is: Plant cells use carbon dioxide and water for photosynthesis. To finish this process, plants also need light energy captured from the sun, which they gain using a separate process. The usable end product the plant produces through photosynthesis is glucose, which the plant uses as food. The oxygen produced as an outcome of this process is a byproduct and is consequently released back into the environment. Animals and plants both construct fats and proteins from carbohydrates; therefore glucose is an essential energy foundation for all living organisms. The oxygen released as a photosynthetic byproduct provides most of the atmospheric oxygen essential to respiration in plants and animals, and animals in turn produce carbon dioxide vital to plants (Lagassà ©). The rate of photosynthesis in a plant can be determined by three external factors: temperature, light intensity, and available carbon dioxide concentration. In any given situation any one of these may become a limiting factor if they are below the optimal level (Alott and Mindorff). According to the concept of limiting factors, under any combination of light intensity, temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, only one of the factors is essentially limiting the rate of photosynthesis. This is the factor that is farthest from its optimum. As the limiting factor is moved closer to its optimum, while keeping the other factors constant, a point will be reached where this factor is not the one that is furthest from the optimum anymore and another starts acting as the limiting factor. An increase in the carbon dioxide concentration increases the rate at which carbon is incorporated into carbohydrate in the light-independent reaction, and so the rate of photosynthesis generally increases until limited by another factor. Increasing carbon dioxide concentration causes a rapid, significant increase in the rate of photosynthesis, which eventually plateaus when the optimal level is reached. E. canadensis is a submerse macrophyte, an aquatic plant immersed in water. It has bright green, translucent and oblong leaves which are borne in whorls of three round the stem (Rose and Reilly) (see fig. 1). It is easily available in aquarium shops or pet shops that have aquarium sections. Fig. 1: Elodia canadensis (Fischer). Design II. Research Question How do different concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) solution affect the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea canadensis? III. Hypothesis As the concentration of carbon dioxide increases, the rate of photosynthesis will increase until a certain point where it reaches the optimal level and plateaus. IV. Variables Table 1: Dependent Variable Dependent Variable Photosynthesis rate Table 2: Independent Variable Table 3: Controlled Variables V. Apparatus 25 samples of E. canadensis 500 ml of pre prepared dilute sodium carbonate solutions with the following CO2 concentrations: 1% 2.5% 3% 5% 10% 50 test tubes (used as containers to make a respirometer, not for measurements) 25 x 100 ml 25 x 150 ml 5 x 300 ml beaker (used as containers, not for measurements) 30 cm ruler ) Compact fluorescent lamp as light source 100 ml graduated cylinder ( ± 0.5 ml) Stopwatch ( ± 0.01s) Scalpels Thermometer ( ± 0.01C) VI. Safety Aspects/Animal Welfare IssuesScalpels are sharp and should be used with caution. The glassware involved in the experimentation may lead to injuries if used without caution and broken. Use of liquids may also lead to some risks if spilled because the floor may become slippery. The lab did not lead to any animal welfare issues.VII. Method Label the five beakers with the following: 1% CO2 2.5% CO2 3% CO2 5% CO2 10% CO2 Set up the light source. Place the beakers in a spot that is 20 cm away from the light source. Place one E. canadensis sample into a 100 ml test tube and fill the test tube with 100 ml of the 1% CO2 dilute sodium carbonate solution. The tube should be filled as full as possible. Carefully invert a larger tube and place it over the smaller tube containing the sample plant and the 1% CO2 dilute sodium carbonate solution.  Push the smaller tube all the way into the larger tube using your finger or a pencil and then invert both tubes so that the opening of the larger tube is up. Be sure that the small tube is pushed to the top of the larger tube before inverting it (see fig. 2).  Mark the water level on the test tube with a marker. Place this set up in the beaker which was previously labeled as 1% CO2. As soon as the set up is ready place it under the light source and start the stopwatch. With time, the distance between the water level and the top of the test tube will increase because of photosynthetic activity, which will produce O2 gas. Photosynthetic activity by E. canadensis samples will cause the water to displace and increase the space at the top of the test tube. The volume of fluid displaced will equal the volume of the gas produced. Run the trial for and monitor it for 20 minutes. After every 2 minutes, check the test tube and measure how much of the dilute sodium carbonate solution has displaced with a ruler. Each time after taking measurements, use a marker to mark the new liquid level for the future measurements you will make. Repeat steps 5 to 14 for 4 more times. At the end of this, there should be 5 trials done in total for the 1% CO2 dilute sodium carbonate concentration. Repeat steps 5 to 15 for the remaining 2.5%, 3%, 5% and 10% CO2 dilute sodium carbonate solutions. The process described in the previous steps should give 10 raw data points for each trial with a total of 250 data points. Record this data in a â€Å"Raw Data†table. All the lab work is completed for this experimentation. The lab and the apparatus can be cleaned if necessary. Data Collection and ProcessingFigure 3: Raw Data for Liquid Displacement over Time in Different CO2 ConcentrationsFigure 4: Processed Data with Means, Standard Deviations and Average RatesFigure 5: Processed Data: Average Photosynthesis Rate in Different CO2 ConcentrationsConclusion and EvaluationEvaluationThe collection of data was an easy process. My results match my predictions. But the uncertainties in the data, which I sh.ould have considered before processing the experiment, are preventing me from making clear and strong statements. One uncertainty preventing me from making clear statements derived from this lab is the fact that I ran the trials for 20 minutes only. It was unfortunately not possible to see any changes in such a short time with low concentrations such as 1% CO2 . If I had run the experiments for longer, I could have seen the photosynthesis rate reaching it’s limit and becoming constant, but because I ran it for a short time, I am not able to understand if , for example 0,3 mm/minutes is the maximum photosynthesis rate the plant Elodea can reach in 10% CO2 concentration. I needed to do it for a longer time to say it has reached a limit or not.Second thing I should have considered is the fact that although they belong to the same species, the plants used in the experiment were still not the same in terms of leaf sizes. If I could use the exact same plant in each tube (take Elodea from one tube and place it in other), results might have changed because plants might be doing photosynthesis at different rates. This is also something I should have searched before starting the experiment, while doing my background research so that I could be sure about it.If I was doing the same experiment again, I would avoid these uncertainties and that would help me make clear statements about my results saying that they match every prediction I made and are strong justifications. Right now, they still match some of my predictions. For example, the photo synthesis rate in 10% CO2 was 0.3 mm/minute while it was 0.2 mm/minute in 5% CO2. This shows that the rate of photosynthesis is greater when higher concentrations of CO2 are present. But like I have stated above, this can be caused by other factors such as the difference in plants or anything I have not considered. Therefore, I should have run more trials.ConclusionMy aim was to see the effects of CO2 concentration on photosynthesis and although I was not able to see them, I was able to make predictions about the effects. I have listed everything that has caused uncertainties in the experiment, and these uncertainties are unfortunately preventing me from making clear statements. If I could do this again, I would avoid all of these uncertainties. The results meet my predictions but one should not say that these results are clear and direct justifications of the background research. Some other factors were involved in the experiment, therefore I would not consider this experiment as s uccessful, and I would do it again.BibliographyAlott, Andrew and David Mindorff. IB Biology Course Book 2014 edition: Oxford IB Diploma Programme. Oxford University Press, 2014.Lagassà ©, Paul, ed. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. 6th Edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013.McGinley, Mark. Differences between aquatic and terrestrial environments . 5 February 2009. 1 March 2015 http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/151726/>.Rose, Francis and Clare Reilly. The Wild Flower Key: How to identify wild plants, trees and shrubs in Britain and Ireland. London: Frederick Warne, 2006.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
anorexia :: essays research papers
We all know that action is the key to success, and we always try to be the very best. But in a world that will try to knock you down you must have the strength to survive the final round. Growing up today you have to be wise because its hard to tell the truth when its covered by the lies. The world can be cruel and the world can be kind, but you had better step up or you'll be left behind. This is some of a poem that one of my friends from my support group had shared on the first day. But I shouldn't get to far ahead of myself, my name is Ender Olson, and I suffer from a very serious disorder, it is called anorexia. Some may say that anorexia is not that serious, but it changed my life, and many others. It started around when I was 13, I had never really had to worry about my weight, I had a fast digestive system, and I never seemed to gain weight. But when I hit puberty things seemed to change. My body was growing, and I started to put on weight, but this didn't bother me at all, and why should it have. But it started to in the summer of 1996, it was at summer camp, we had swimming, and it was mandatory. But unlike most of the kids I had no problem with this, I was a strong swimmer and enjoyed it allot. I got to my swim class and sat down. It was a very warm day, a day that I would remember for a long time. Well we all sat on the dock listing to them give instructions on what to do and stuff like that. But I was hot, so I took off my shirt, first mistake. The girls sitting across from me stared at me and were whispering to each other, but I had no idea what they were saying. So I did the class but as I got out of the water I was behind the two girls. They were laughing, the first one said "Did you see that guy, he had bigger boobs then you did." So I assumed they were talking about me. The signs all pointed that way, and that was the first time a person ever called me fat, and I was assured to make it my last.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Different Kind of Holocaust Essay -- Literary Analysis, Spiegelman
Art Spiegelman's Maus is a renowned comic book that won a Pulitzer Prize. The book was published in two parts, Volume I: "My Father Bleeds History," in 1986, and Volume II: "And Here My Troubles Began," in 1991. It was later integrated into one single volume. The book told Spiegelman's desire to write about his father's experiences during the Holocaust, as well as the experiences themselves. There had been numbers of Holocaust books over the decades, but Maus is different among all. After reading numerous Holocaust books, they become repetitive, because most people are aware of the tragic event. Maus offers not only the tale of the Holocaust, but stories about its victims, and the next generation as well. Its distinction was already displayed through Spiegelman's use of animals for nationalities. This method was perhaps Spiegelman's way to show readers the race hierarchy. Also, this comic book is not of a typical Holocaust story, because it is a legacy of the event. The comic has sto ries within stories, Vladek Spiegelman's (Art's father), and Art's himself. The comic tells how the Holocaust affected Vladek's life after, and as Vladek told his experiences to Art, it showed how their relationship was affected as well. As Art took in everything his father told him throughout the book, he tried to understand his father. What Art had to make of his father was through the stories during the Holocaust, while he tried to relate to him. All these notions that the comic has makes it distinctive among all other Holocaust books. Maus has aspects to it that other books about the Holocaust do not include. The strategies Spiegelman used, for example, depictions of nationalities through animals. The woman animals are: mice for Jews, and cats... ...ents what happened after the victim told his or her story to the readers. Perhaps that part was more important than the actual circumstance, because of what it did to people. Also, it accounted a relationship between those two generations joined together in discussion of what happened. In this case, it was Vladek and Art's - their relationship was negatively affected by the power of Vladek's past. Vladek was unable to move ahead with his life as a result of the trauma he received. His marriage with Mala was also destroyed because of old habits formed by his past. Confused and complicated emotions formed in Art for the overall sense of the book. This work showed how the past ruined the present and potentially the future as well. The stylistic features included in this comic, along with literary themes, created a peculiar book - dissimilar to other Holocaust works.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Indian Dances Essay
India shows a variety of dances which can be seen in various parts of the country. These dances are performed differently and are an important aspect in Indian dance because they bring the past in the present by telling us about ancient Indian history. Besides entertainment these dances are knowledgble. The Indian dance are divided in two types Indian classical dance and Indian folk dance. The Indian classical dance comprises of : Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Odissi, Kuchipudi, Mohini attam, Manipuri and kathakali. The Indian folk dance contains Bhangra and special dance observed in regional festives. Besides giving us knowledge and entertaintment, these forms of dances shows unity in the diversity among people. Bharat Natyam was originated in a script called the Natya Shastra. This manuscript was written by Sage Bharata around 4000 B. C. This dance is first used to show energy and emotions and is one of the oldest form of dance among classical Indian dance. In this form of classical Indian dance called Bharata Natyam, performers can convey beliefs, legends, and ideas through movements, gestures, and expressions put to song. Bharat Natyam is the alternative way of storytelling, which has similar ideas to that which student read in today’s literature. It tells about the ancient literature of India. The Kathak dance derives its name from the community of Kathaks who are custodians of the art. The words Kathak and Kathakali are derived from katha meaning storytelling and kali meaning play. The Kathak means storytelling and Kathakali, story play. Kathak dancing performed by a dancer who stands and moves and lasya (the aspect) in which the dancer kneels or remains immobile the whole time except for the (gat) a descriptive passage, performed in a gentle rhythm and tells stories with his expressive powers only, with his face and hands. For kathakali special massage is given to the feet. The Kathakali technique of using the face expression is a pure marvel of accomplishment. Some ancient masters of this dance have such control of their facial muscles that they can laugh with one side and cry with the other. It is therefore understood that Indian dancing is not just physical movements of hands and legs; it is a form of physical art with body and mind for both men and women alike as well as a form of worship to the Almighty Divine Gods. Kuchipudi, a form of Indian classical dance, is the dance drama evolved into solo. In this the movement pattern are flowly and rounded. The performance usually begins with some stage rites, after then character comes on to the stage and introduces him/herself with a daru (a small composition of both song and dance) to introduce the identity, set the mood, of the character in the drama. The drama then begins. The dance is accompanied by song and the singer is accompanied by instument. Ornaments worn by the artists are made of a light weight wood. Manipuri dance is one of the major Indian classical dance forms. It originates from Manipur, a state in North-East India. The traditional Manipuri dance consists of lyrical and graceful movements. Tbe aim is to make rounded movements and avoid any jerks, sharp edges or straight lines. This gives soft appearance to Manipuri dance. Of course, behind this soft impressioon lies a tough body control. In this dance, the dancer’s feet should never strike the ground hard enough to interfere with the delicate flow of movemets. Every time the dancer puts down his or her feet, even during vigorous steps, it is the front part of the feet which touch the ground first. The ankle and knee joints are used as shock absorbers. Manipuri dancers do not wera ankle bells, whose purpose in other Indian dances are notice the beats tapped out by the feet.. Like the movemets of the body and feet, the facial expression in Manipuri should be subtle. The main point of the dance style are devotion and grace. Once in India I went to a show to watch Bharat Natyam with my parents and relatives.. The dance was going pretty good, but due to my ignorance about dance, I couldn’t figure what they mean by their movements. In India, the Indian classical dance is fading away with the arrival of Western Indian dance. The classical dance can’t compete with the fast music and body movents in Western Indian dance. Unlike western dance the Indian classical dance take about 12 years of learning which can’t be spent in today’s fast moving and modern generation. The present generation have a task to make these dances easy to learn for the future generation. Indian folk and tribal dances are simple dances, and are performed to express joy in every possible occasion, to celebrate the arrival of seasons, birth of a child, a wedding and festivals. Like Bhangra these dances have minimum of steps or movement. Men and women perform some dances exclusively, while in some perfomances men and women dance together. On most occasions, the dancers sing themselves, while being accompanied by artists on the instruments. Each form of dance has a specific costume. Bhangra is a fusion of music, singing and the beat of the dhol drum. Bhangra has always been popular amongst Punjabi people all over the world. Its traditional sound is often been together with musical styles. The dancers wear different colors of clothes and daces among themselves. In present, bhangra has been fused with disce, techno, house, rap, ragga, and now jungle. These new styles have been so successful that modern bhangra is now being re-exported bace to India. Altogether these forms of dances relate to harvest celebration, love, patriotism or current social issues. Many people do a lot of practice to master in these styles of dances. These dances are popular in India and most parts of the world and people are proud to perfom them. To make the past intact, these dances play a vital role in India. Many schools teach these dances in school to keep these dances through future. These dances bring unity among the people of India and tie them together to form a string of beads connected as people to have a country rich in dance called India.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Computer Games Advantages and Disavantages
In today’s modern world, computers are very essential part of everyday life. Children often use computer from very young age for computer games and internet. Computers are developing their computer skills. Although, this can also be seen that children are too much dependent on computer games. It has got both pros and cons which will be discussed in the following paragraphs. On the one hand, some types of games can be very intelligent and may contain huge educational potential which can encourage their skill, concentration and inspire them to learn new things.If children use computer game from their childhood age, they are familiar with most of the function of computer; this will be very helpful for their future career. Another advantage is that there are lots of interesting features in computer, no child feel bore and alone using computer. On the other hand because of interesting features and different types of games in computer, firstly children become too much dependent on i t. They spend their most of the time using computer games as a result they lose their interest on daily activities like their school homework and also forget to meet with their friend and colleagues.Secondly, some video games can be very aggressive in nature so these video games are usually highly addictive and easily available on internet. Moreover continuous use of computer game can be damaged both eyes and physical posture of the children. To sum up, there are lots of merits of using computer game however in my opinion; children don’t spend their whole time on computer. Parents should also care about their schedule for computer game. Computer games are indisputably popular among teenagers. Because of their widespread use, many studies provide data on the short- and long-term effects of regularly playing computer games.Some studies conclude there is a link between playing violent video games and tendencies towards violent behavior. Increasingly, the social element to playin g computer games affects how teenagers interact with peers. Playing computer games has also been shown to improve problem-solving skills and increase adeptness at using technology overall. But an addictive aspect to many games suggests that playing in moderation is critical. Related Studies An online game is a game played over some form of computer network.This almost always means the Internet or equivalent technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the Internet, and hard wired terminals before modems. The expansion of online gaming has reflected the overall expansion of computer networks from small local networks to the Internet and the growth of Internet access itself. Online games can range from simple text based games to games incorporating complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously. Many online games have associated online communities, making online games a form of social activity beyond single player games.The rising popularity of Flash and Java led to an Internet revolution where websites could utilize streaming video, audio, and a whole new set of user interactivity. When Microsoft began packaging Flash as a pre-installed component of IE, the Internet began to shift from a data/information spectrum to also offer on-demand entertainment. This revolution paved the way for sites to offer games to web surfers. Some online multiplayer games like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI and Lineage II charge a monthly fee to subscribe to their services, while games such as Guild Wars offer an alternative no monthly fee scheme.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Education Philosophy and Rationale
Education Philosophy and Rationale Teaching has been a tradition in our family. As a kid, I grew up with my aunt being an elementary education and my grandma as a teacher in preschool. It started with my grandmother in her late 30’s, teaching kindergarten in Taiwan. My mom use to tell me how great of a teacher she was. She would always find ways to make every student to be involved in her classroom. Other teachers in campus would always ask my grandmother for advices and strategy. Her philosophy was simple; to keep the classroom entertained for her students to learn. My grandma believed children have very short patient.In order to catch all her student’s attention, sometimes she would try to be funny or joke around with her students. Her jokes and entertainments was another strategy to make student learn. She would relate topic in classroom in her jokes to make learning easy and fun. My grandma believed being different is the only way to bring out the best of a child. T o me, I see my grandma as a legend. There was nothing special about her philosophy but only to be herself. Learning from her and my aunt, I understand the value of learning, and helped me build a passion to educate, and learn from students who my life will be a part of and theirs.For this reason and a few others, I have decided to become a teacher. Educator needs a starting point to understand why we think and act the way we do in our classrooms. Educator’s needs to be able to understand how are teachers made and why some teacher has different views in educating than the others. Teachers have their own philosophy to educate students. It makes learning easier; if teachers apply their own values and beliefs in the classroom. Before we discover our beliefs, we would have to know what type of philosophy best fit a future educator.Education has a purpose. Teacher is responsible to teach every kid who are enrolling in school. Teacher’s goals should be; to teach the basic kno wledge a student needs to know so they can move on to the next level of education. Education should not be something that should be forced into anyone, but as future teacher, I would suggest education to everyone. However, I do not believe education is for everyone. Some people feel that having the basic knowledge is good enough to survive, other believe learning has no ending to it. I believe learning don’t have an ending.We learn something new each day. My teaching philosophy is to open the minds of every one of my students so they can have deeper thoughts into my question. It gives student the opportunity to find the answer themselves rather than guiding them through the question. This can cause argument or debate with students but in reality, student are arguing for the best answer to be right, which it’s a good practice for student to think and learn from other people’s idea and use that to improve their own answer. I want to build confident in my student t o succeed in class.I do not believe every child is in the same learning speed, but I do feel that each one of my student are able to find their own way of understanding their own strategy to improve their learning knowledge. This type of philosophy in teaching makes me Metaphysics and an Axiology as my ways of teaching. My philosophy do not include much of Epistemology and Logic. Not because I don’t believe in it, but I see myself more as Metaphysics and an Axiology. Epistemology are often use in classes because teacher are suppose to teach student the ways to succeed in life.Student starts learning from the teacher body language then the actual teaching. We as teacher have to make sure what we say or do have to be appropriate for others to hear or see. As much I don’t include Epistemology as my philosophy in teaching, I believe I am using epistemology as a philosophy in teaching without me realizing it. Logic works the same way, it’s the essential in all areas of life, I teach student to think more logically to find the best answers. Logic can be proven in many ways. In class, student’s mission is to find the best logic for each answer I given, Outside of class, student uses logic to make the best decision.I disagree teacher only uses one philosophy to teach their student. I believe every teacher uses a little of each philosophy to put together their own ways of teaching. My education philosophy in the classroom is simply. I am aware that classroom has students that use one of more ways of learning, and I plan to integrate these various ways throughout my teaching. I want my students to learn in a way they are comfortable with, not to compete with other people but themselves. With my ambition to reveal other ways of learning, I feel I can open more options for students to become successful.I will also bring out the traditional academics in my classroom. I believe student needs to know the basic, common facts for rational and even e motional development. Finally, I will create a fun, be- yourself type of atmosphere in the classroom to give student a chance to be who they are. The atmosphere has to be enjoyable for the mind to only focus on learning. I plan on having activities that involve group games and creative projects. Although, I want my student to have as much freedom in class, there will be rules and conduct to follow for disciplinary actions and behaviors.I want my students to feel free to explore their creative sides, but also have student to participate creative lessons such as art and writing. I will base my program of study on truthful facts because I feel that such traditional teachings will supply elementary student’s stability and durability. Teaching should be a fun and enjoyable for the teacher and students. My theory is just to have fun and learn as much as you can from the school and the teachers. As an elementary educator I will conduct myself with a positive attitude as a motivated leader in my classroom.I will understand each one of my students and guide them to explore deeply in education. My goal is to see my student to become successful throughout my philosophy in teaching and pursue a higher education as they aged. Overall, I am passionate to become an elementary teacher. I am eager to work for the school system. I want to be become an inspiration to students as much as my aunt and grandmother did. I want my students to know they can be anything they want, as long as they put in the effort. I want to keep this tradition alive in my family and hopefully pass down to the next generation. I believe everyone has a mission in life.I can’t thank enough to my family and teachers that help me find that mission. Hopefully after college, I will soon find a school that I can give dedication too, and become one of a million teachers that touches each childs life with education and motivation.Reference * Gutek, General Lee (2009) new perspectives on philosophy and education. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey; Pearson Education Inc. * LeoNora M Cohen & Gelbrich Judy (1999) School of education, OSU http://oregonstate. edu/instruct/ed416/sample. html * Ornstein, A. C. , & Levine, D. U. (2006). Foundations of education (9th ed. ). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Child Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Child Obesity - Essay Example Child obesity has become an epidemic extending past the United States’ borders into many other countries, particularly those with developed economies. The condition is usually caused by consuming foods rich in fats and calories, lack of exercise, genetic susceptibility, and few instances of genetic factors, medications, or illnesses. The proposed solutions for reducing childhood obesity discussed in this research paper are dieting and physical exercises. Dieting, or good nutrition, involves not only eating the recommended number of servings from all food groups, but also parents teaching children about healthy foods and ensuring the children practice what they are taught. By taking in a balanced diet, children will limit consumption of foods that contain high amounts of fats and hence reduce the likelihood of being obese. Physical exercises will result into burning of calories and hence reduce the amounts of excess fats stored in the body. If unchecked, the number of overweigh t children and adults will increase tremendously in the world. Consequently, many children growing into adulthood will be exposed to risks of developing hypertension, respiratory ailments, orthopedic problems, depression and type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and accounts for more than 80% of all cases of diabetes in the US (Mokdad et al. 78). Its cause is mainly attributed to obesity. If childhood obesity is not adequately, many children and adolescents worldwide will suffer from obesity-related complications. Overweight children have a 70 percent chance of becoming overweight or obese as they grow into adolescent and eventually adults. This value rises to 80 percent if either one or both parents are overweight or obese. Obesity in middle or old age increases the risks of diabetes, hypertension, and general poor health, hence, it is important that it is addressed at infantile or juvenile level. Solutions to Child Obesity One of the most effective w ays of reducing obesity among all age groups is physical activities and healthy eating. By engaging in physical exercise, children will be able to eliminate excess fats in the body as they are burned through the process producing energy. Researchers have found a large correlation between physical inactivity and obesity among children. Besides, children who are physically inactive have a high likelihood of being inactive as adults, implying that persons who suffer from obesity as children may continue to be obese even as adults. Failure to engage in physical exercise leaves unused carbohydrates in the body which is subsequently converted to fats and stored in the body. The excess fats accumulate in the body and eventually lead to obesity. Children fail to exercise due to a number of reasons. Most of them spend their free time watching television, playing video games or using computers. While these activities may improve cognitive abilities of the children, they also result into non-a ctivity resulting into accumulation of fats in the body and consequently leading to obesity. Children must be encouraged to partake in physical activity at an early age to reduce their chances of being obese. On the other hand, through healthy eating, a child is able to balance the intake of various minerals in the body. Basically, healthy
Monday, October 7, 2019
Homework Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Homework - Research Paper Example The company manager must ensure that the best qualified marketers and sales people are in the company to ensure that the company’s assets meet the requirements of the customers. If the particular assets are not in the company, they should ensure that they refer the customers to the right company’s partners who are in the same sphere. When selling the services outside the company’s environment, Better Sms must have qualified sales people and marketers in the field who have an excellent working experience in the same technology field. The team must relate very well with the technical department in that they will be able to advertise the messaging services very clearly and avoid technical mistakes when marketing the services. On the same note, the company should have a determined customer care department to be ready to educate the customers more about the services. Better Sms Ltd has a twenty four seven online customers care that will be communicating with the customers in case of any problem by using the interactive video response method. There are numerous sales methods to be used by the sales person but Better Sms will use the best methods that will fit the company’s services by prospecting the right target for the text messaging and the issuing of the bulky messages. Understanding and getting the right customers for the business is quite a hard task that has a lot of valleys and experiences because it needs patience and tolerance. There is a lot of frustrations in the marketing field of the sales because majorly it is a new service that is being broadcasted in the information and technology world. Just few companies like Better Sms that will educate the sales people on how to prospect the services very effectively. Better Sms will look forward to prospect the services by use of networking while interacting with the
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Racing to the Bottom Trade, Environmental Governance by Aseem Prakash Article
Racing to the Bottom Trade, Environmental Governance by Aseem Prakash and Matthew Potoski - Article Example The dependent variable, on the other hand can be defined as the observed result, of the independent variable. The voluntary environmental regulations of ISO 14001 in this research can be defined as the dependent variable. The research seeks to define how the independent variable has had a negative or positive impact on the adoption of ISO 14001 environmental regulations (dependent variable). HYPOTHESIS The hypothesis formulated in this report is that, involvement in international trade has caused many international firms to adopt the voluntary ISO 14001 regulations. The other hypothesis is that adoption rates are lower in export dependent countries than in import dependent countries. This hypothesis has come about due to some critiques believe that these ISO 14001 regulations have been adopted to take environmental action to an international level. This research aims at proving this hypothesis. FINDINGS Different governments have different environmental assessment requirements for or ganizations. Within these governments, there are some whose environmental policies seem to be lax. International trade with the organizations from nations having lax environmental standards becomes significantly affected as other organizations seem to avoid trading with them. The international organization for standardization has created a much accepted level of international standards. The standards of ISO are applied to firms irrespective of the country of origin and are independent of the local regulations. The finding of this report is that many firms, seeking to undertake international trade, have resorted into adopting the ISO 14001 regulations together with the local regulations. The research concludes that there are specific aspects of this regulation which make these firms to adopt it, and it is not due to international pressure. The regulation seems to favor international trade EVIDENCE (QUANTIT & QUALITATIVE) The survey conducted in 108 countries, which has, the ISO 14001 certified facilities provides evidence in this research. The information was categorized on the international trade structure which a country mainly depended on. There are those that are export dependent and others import dependent. The research also seeks to define whether the importing county’s regulations have any effect on the exporting c country’s level in adopting these regulations. For the purposes of this research, the other variables which may affect international trade are entirely ignored. The measure applied is that of adoption of the ISO 14001 regulations. MAJOR THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK (LIBERAL, INSTITUTIONAL The major theoretical framework is the adoption of this regulation is favorable to international trade than other regulations. The effects of other controllable variables like international and domestic controls seem to be over come by this regulatory policy. COUNTERARGUMENTS There are many arguments aroused by this research. Globalization critiques ar gue that the adoption of ISO 14001 regulation necessitated by international trade undermines the set government regulation. On the other hand, those in support of globalization argue that the governments should try and standardize their environmental regulation for the purpose of international trade. They further argue that due to the discrepancies in government policies, only the ISO 14001 regulations can be applied internationally in a standard way. They argue
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Analyze Uzbekistans economy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analyze Uzbekistans economy - Term Paper Example Uzbekistan’s economy has been through its share of the initial down when it was formed. It relieved its independence in 1991, and since that time, Uzbekistan has undergone economic transformations to strive to become factor in the global economy. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the birth of Uzbekistan had left the country exposed because of the immeasurable downfall of the network of trade and suppliers. The country only had raw materials and semi processed goods available for exports, making them highly vulnerable to the world economy and thus creating a dependency on the world’s commodity prices. Uzbekistan at that time had to take drastic steps to induce polices and reforms that would influx market based aspects. However, the governance of Uzbekistan under Karimov had different set of economic ideas. He introduced policies that had the sole intention of creating control over the economy and these policies played no heed towards producing and implementing structu ral reforms. The economic liberation of the country in the beginning was very much controlled and the government was very cautious in its moves. The economic policies have somehow ensured a slow regression of privatization keeping more of government control in the state. The ineffectiveness of the economic forums brought the Uzbekistan’s economy as rendering and deterring factors for the foreign investments. The country then was too reluctant to listen to the economic advice on reforms by the World Bank, the IMF and various economic institutions. This led to abrupt increase in high levels of corruption and showcased the world about the extreme bureaucratic inefficiency to develop business initiatives. The core issue post independence was the soaring state control and authoritarian style of economic power. The following will shed more light on Uzbekistan’s post independence economic woes: ‘Privatization has been very slow and
Friday, October 4, 2019
Discuss how clinical protocols tie into quality management programs Research Paper
Discuss how clinical protocols tie into quality management programs within in the clinical setting - Research Paper Example Brown et al., second this in their study on quality assurance in healthcare in developing countries when they stress on the fact that improving quality actually pays rather than costs, and how health managers with limited budgets cannot afford to ignore that fact (Brown, Franco, Rafeh & Hatzell, n.d.). Buttell et al., mention a few clinical measures recommended by the Institute of Medicine, which are; to improve leadership and knowledge, to identify and learn from errors, to set performance standards and expectations for safety and to implement safety systems in health care organizations (Buttell, Hendler & Daley, 2007). A safe healthcare environment is essential for any medical or clinical institution. Clinical protocols must be followed to ensure quality management and control. They tie into quality management programs within the clinical setting by making healthcare safe, effective, patient-centered, apt, resourceful and impartial. The thing that should be aiming for, is constant improvement. So that, future generations may also benefit from improved healthcare standards as a result of following clinical protocols. In order to achieve the objective of uninterrupted improvement, merely defining the parameters of what quality care actually is will definitely not be sufficient although the mission hasn’t quite reached completion. Brown, L. D., Franco, L.M., Rafeh, N., Hatzell, T. (n.d.). Quality Assurance of Health Care in Developing Countries. Quality Assurance Methodology Refinement Series. Retrieved from http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnabq044.pdf Buttell, P., Hendler, R., Daley, J. (2007). Quality in Healthcare: Concepts and Practice. The Business of Healthcare. Retrieved from
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Street Scene Essay Example for Free
Street Scene Essay In the painting Street Scene, Pink Sky, Paris, there are several elements that make the painting a unique piece of art reflecting the contemporary feeling of the expressionistic and post impressionistic movements of the early twentieth century. James Wilson Morrice expresses these movements completely in this painting, which is a masterwork of form, color and balance. In this painting, the first thing the eye goes to s the upper right hand part of the painting. Here there is a series of four buildings that are well lit and in shades of yellow and gold. The roofs are in shades of charcoal and burnt umber. One notices that the buildings grow progressively smaller as thy move down the street. Next, you notice the people. There appear to be three women and a man. The man appears all in black, black overcoat and black hat. Next to him, facing him is a woman in a red dress and hat in brown and umber. She is wearing gloves. One’s eyes then drift to the front left of the painting where the other two women are walking by the cafe. One appears to have brown hair and be wearing a white dress with a matching white hat. The hat has a pink flower on it. The woman next to her, to her left, is wearing a dress of yellow-brown, and a black hat. She also has brown hair. To the extreme left, there is another building that appears to be a series of shops. This building has a dilapidated feel to it and is not as brightly lit as the buildings across the street. It presents a very stark contrast. The eyes then drift to the sky. It is a cacophony of steely blues and pinky mauves. It looks like an evening storm sky, but it is just the settling dusk. One can feel the hurry of the people to get home after a day of social gatherings or work. Finally, one gets to the bottom of the painting. Here one sees the edge of tables and chairs as one sits and contemplates as the world goes by. It is at if the viewer is at a cross street. Looking down one street as they watch people pass by on another. That brings the viewer to another element of the paintingâ€â€mainly, the street. It is vacant save for the people. There is not a carriage, horse, car, or anything on the street. Everyone is on foot. Though they are walking, there is no sense of urgency in their movements. It is as if everyone is out for a Sunday stroll and the viewer is there watching as they drink their coffee and eat their croissant. This feels like a fairly typical street scene. The final element of the painting is just to the left of center. It is a cluster of trees and shrubbery. It ties the light and dark elements of the painting together, as the trees have dark greens and blacks combine with light greens and yellow-greens to make a unifying element that brings all the elements together. The elements are arranged as if one is looking on a street and down a street at the same time. It is almost like a â€Å"T†intersection. The paining has a balance to it that takes the shape of a triangle. The lighter shaded elements are on the right side, and the darker shaded elements are on the left side. The browns, creams, umbers, and ocher colors confine themselves to the left. The golds reds, and blacks confine themselves to the right. The trees tie the light and dark elements together and blend them into a coherent style and picture of everyday life on a Paris street. The trees also provide a much needed balance. If it were not for the trees, there would be a harshness to the painting that would make it unbalanced and off-center. Morrice picks mostly muted shades for his painting, even the ocres and golds have a slightly muted quality about them. The colors blend one into another, giving the painting a much needed fluidity. Morrice also arranges his larger elements to the back of the painting, forcing your eyes into the aforementioned triangle of the sky and the people. These are his main elements, and the ones your eyes go to after the brightness of the building. He wants the viewer to see the sky and the people and see both as time stopped, a moment that is captured forever. As mentioned before, the people are unhurried, and the sky is unhurried, which are the two elements that are the most important in this picture. Stylistically, the painting is a wonderful example of twentieth century post-impressionism. While it lacks the subtlety of Monet, it generates the same feelings that the impressionists doâ€â€that is the sense that you are there, leaving you to interpret the details. That is the very nature of impressionism. The viewer is given an idea, and they have to fill in the details. Post-impressionism at its soul is a revamping of the style without the subtle colors. Where Monet used pales and shades to make his point, Morrice uses muted bolds to bring the viewer to the scene. There is more a sense of making the impression more realistic instead of making it stylistic. This generates the move to the more bold moves of Picasso and his followers. Morrice’s work is in the vein of Cezanne. The use of color and element is similar in form and function, and the overall sense of the move to realism is there. Cezanne and Morrice both fit into the same mold, simply because they are both scene painters that use people as a focal point. The main difference is that Cezanne tends to use darker colors while Morrice uses brighter tones. They both tend to mute their tones, though Cezanne tends to do it more effectively than Morrice. Morrice borrows heavily from Cezanne. He uses blocks of color and focuses on sky, and the traditional views of the plane of the painting become obsolete. Additionally, the conventions between foreground and background begin to become ambiguous. There is also a spatial ambiguity to the painting, as the sky becomes a patchwork of color, flowing seamlessly one into another. Even in the two women walking down the street seem to blend into each other, the only differences seem to be in the distinction of their faces. The woman in brown seems to almost blend into the shops in the background. The woman in white appears to blend seamlessly into the scene. Faces are the only distinctions between people and background. There is only a bit of street and the black hat and face that even distinguishes her as an individual. The blocks of yellow are the only things that distinguish that there are four buildings. This is very much in the style of Cezanne. Even the trees and shrubbery seem to be in a block of color. Though the greens, blacks, and yellow-greens seem to blend, the eye can easily pick out the distinct shades and can see the summer look of the trees against the dusky sky. Looking at the style of both Morrice and Cezanne, one sees incredible talent and gracious style. The overall impressionistic feel that we get from both painters is evident. As both move towards the twentieth century, there is a shift from the previous impressionistic movement to the post impressionistic movement. The movement also shifts to the use of color in blocks to give movement and a sense of fluidity to the painting. Additionally, the focus on sky and people shows a movement away from the still lives and landscapes of the past to a movement of expressing people as the object and main idea of the painting. Thought the movement was not a long-lasting one, it left an impression on the art world that has affected painters and artists for years. The use of texture and color and form and function blend together flawlessly to create a new and exciting use of elements that added to the art world and still give us much to talk about today. The fact that we are able to draw comparisons to the present and the past shows us the relevance of the new art forms and how they still relate to today’s art world. We as art historians cannot forget the contributions of the past as they will and do affect our futures. References Adams, L (1997). A history of western art. Madison, WI: Brown and Benchmark. Art Gallery of Ontario, (2009). James Wilson Morrice, Street Scene, Pink Sky, Paris. Retrieved March 15, 2009, from Art Gallery of Ontario Web site: http://www. ago. net/ago103760 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, (2009). Art History. Retrieved March 15, 2009, from Art History Web site: http://www. unc. edu/depts/wcwebs/handouts/arthistory. html
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