Thursday, December 26, 2019
Cyber Security The New Business Priority - 2217 Words
Hacker groups are like the secret agency to most people because they always hide behind their computer and rarely show their accomplishments in public. However, the Anonymous hacker group shows its power to the public by declaring internet war against ISIS, and people finally realized that cyber attack is powerful. In fact, cyber security is always a serious problem in the U.S, but most companies and individuals do not realize the extent of the threat. Many companies lose their confidential files and customers’ information because their cyber securities are too weak. In order to protect company assets, companies should be aware of the importance of cyber security and spend money to build stronger cyber defense for themselves. Summary Of†¦show more content†¦However, when asked if there was an actual IT security strategy in place there was a sharp drop in positive responses. Most executives were confident in their company security, but had no actual strategy to deal with breaches. Executives everywhere were misinformed on the realities of cyber security. According to Loveland and Lobel (2016) states that companies must take proactive steps by identifying sensitive data that requires protection and be aware of risks to the data. Then when security measures are implemented they must be reviewed and tested constantly to keep them up to date to the latest ever-growing cyber security threats. The leading companies of the 21st century are the ones who take cybersecurity with caution. The article, â€Å"Fight or Comply: The Federal Trade Commission s Power to Hold Companies Liable for Data Security Breaches,†is about how companies who do not adequately protect their databases regarding client, customer, and employee information can be held liable by the Federal Trade Commission. Sargent (2016) states the FTC has filed many lawsuits in civil courts to punish and demand companies to spend more time protecting consumers from data breaches. Despite being a regulatory body, there has not been any specific laws holding companies accountable in cyber-attacks. The article states that businesses must take proactive steps to prevent breaches, as well as backup plans in the case a breach occurs. Even
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
John Locke vs Jean-Jacques Rousseau. - 1663 Words
John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau are great political philosophers that have many similar insights about society and its political form. However, when closely examining the writings of these thinkers, one can easily discover many subtle differences among them. The two philosophers base their theories on different assumptions, which subsequently lead to dissimilar ideas about the origin of society and the constitution of governments. As a result, their views of the development of society greatly dissent from each other. Lockes and Rousseaus different versions in the development of society cause them to reach disparate conclusions concerning the legislative power, social unit, and revolution rights of the society. Locke believes that†¦show more content†¦Locke indicates that, by giving up some of ones rights, the state gains legislative power and is obliged to use this power to make laws that benefit the people, who hired it. Locke writes that, This legislative is not only the supreme power of the common-wealth, but sacred and unalterable in the hands where the community have once placed it...over whom no body can have a power to make laws, but by their own consent, and by authority received from them. (XI 134) Rousseau argues that the state should not be able to acquire legislative power, but simply acts as an executive. He claims that the legislative power comes from the people, for the sovereign is simply the general will of everyone, in which the state should obey and enforce. Rousseau states that, Each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme control of the general will, and, as a body, we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole ( ), showing that the aggregate mind of the people, the general will, has the legislative power as all powers are given to it. Locke stresses individualism in a society, while Rousseau bases the majority of his political theory on the submission to the general will, which is a collective unit. Locke emphasizes that in a society, one should still preserve life, liberty, and property. He claims that instead of being oneShow MoreRelatedA Summary Of John Locke And Jean-Jacques Rousseau1651 Words  | 7 Pages(Platz Arellano, 2011). The Enlightenment changed this way of thinking by questioning â€Å"what we are like naturally like (human nature), vs how we are influence by society†(Norris, 2017, slide 25). It brought about the â€Å"belief in the possibility of improvement of all of humanity through education†(Norris, 2017, slide 20). 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It has been often noted, indeed, that social contract theories relied on a specific anthropological conception of man as either good or evil. Thomas Hobbes (1651), John Locke (1689) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762) are the most famous philosophers of contractarianism, which is the theoretical groundwork of democracy. It is also one of a few competing theoretical groundworks of liberalism, but Rousseaus soci al contract is often seenRead MoreAn Essay on Social Contract Theory3151 Words  | 13 Pagessignify a problematic attempt to return to the state of nature. It has been often noted, indeed, that social contract theories relied on a specific anthropological conception of man as either good or evil. Thomas Hobbes (1651), John Locke (1689) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762) are the most famous philosophers of contractarianism, which is the theoretical groundwork of democracy. It is also one of a few competing theoretical groundworks of liberalism, but Rousseaus social contract is often seenRead MoreThomas Hobbes And The Social Contract3563 Words  | 15 Pagesmight be absent, if not for societal constructs. John Locke, another English philosopher published the Essay Concerning Human Understanding, which expounded on the work of Hobbes by proposing a more integrated and ordered society. The societal implications meant a surrender of some individual freedoms in return for a governmen tal structure tasked with the responsibility of protections, including the basic rights of life, liberty and property. Locke inferred that external stimuli, such as life experiencesRead MoreDemocratic Party Vs. Democratic Parties1564 Words  | 7 Pagesidentifies as Liberal and who identifies as Conservative has advanced. The basis of the government was set by three men, John Locke, Thomas Hobbs, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Each of these men had a very specific idea of what the government should do for its people. In todays society Locke is considered to have a conservative take on the government while Rousseau a liberal take. Rousseau believed that all men were born as a neutral human being, not entirely good but not entirely bed either, and that allRead MoreCauses of the French Revolution Essay1137 Words  | 5 Pagesplaces experienced this change in different ways. As the previous discoveries and inventions were made by remarkable scientists like Galileo, the Enlightenment was the next logical step in the era. As incredible philosophers like Jean- Jacques Rousseau along with John Locke stepped in, people all over Europe began to realize the importance and even the mere concept of reason and natural rights granted to all persons. 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However, many debate that nurture, or the care and encouragement of any human life, trumps nature. The earliest (proofs?) and rebuttals of these theories have been honed and developed over time by specific psychologists and educational theorists – all who hoped to proveRead MoreCollectivism vs Individualism in Ayn Rand’s Anthem2504 Words  | 11 Pagesgreatest modern philosophers, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Locke believed that each and every person has natural rights, such as the rights to private property. According to him, the only responsibility of government was to ensure that nobody infringes upon anyone else’s rights. Locke said that because government is the result of a social contract with the governed, the rights of the individual must always reign supreme (Lackner).   On the flip side stood Rousseau, who held that there is a collective
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Theme of “A Worn Path†free essay sample
Instructor Abby Forster In the short story â€Å"A Worn Path†, the author Eudora Welty, created a strong theme of undying love with an old woman and her grandson. The main character in this story is called Phoenix; she is an old woman that is narrated from the author trying to make a long journey down a worn path to bring her sick grandson medicine. She will not let anything get in her way from completing her mission and will not give up even though she is not a young puppy anymore. She is the last living relative to her young grandson and she keeps strong to fulfill his needs and keep him happy. The author uses great symbolism in the short story throughout the entire story. Religion, racism, and true love all play a key role in the theme of â€Å"A Worn Path†; it has strong literary elements that take this story to higher limits. We will write a custom essay sample on The Theme of â€Å"A Worn Path†or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The story does not tell us where the mother is, however shows us how strong Phoenix is in her journey with characters making us know how bad racism is and how God is strong with her in her mission. Anyone that has children would not stop at anything to save them; Phoenix’s journey down a worn path proves it. This story is about a grandmother, Phoenix, walking through treacherous woods to get some medicine for her grandson that is sick that may or may not help him. The story is told in the third-person, â€Å"Third-person point of view which occurs when the speaker is not a participant in the story. It has two forms: omniscient point of view and objective point of view. †(Cited in Clugston, 2010) The author uses a narrative approach with the main character; it shows her thoughts and feelings throughout the entire story. She speaks to herself with a single purpose, devotion to her grandson in the doctor’s clinic. She must get to him at no cost since she is poor. The story’s theme is about undying love for a grandmother and grandson; it explains her struggles against aging since she has walked this path since the civil war. The narrative story expresses a lot of symbolic characters, first it starts with the name Phoenix which stands for the mythical creature that rises from its own ashes. â€Å"The use of symbolic characters throughout the story is explained. The author provides a critical interpretation and offers different meaning behind several elements. †(Cited in Clugston, 2010) Phoenix is faced with getting old and losing her mind, she is very afraid of it, but still carries on with the strength of God with her. Religion plays a key role to keeping her mind and strength strong and even beat racism with the characters she met along the way and interacts with. It starts with a cold month in December for the setting that makes you feel compassion for the main character and brings a thought of stagnation and sleeep. The story’s author sets a picture in your head first, â€Å"The setting is rural, a cold, early morning in December in the South. †(Cited in Clugston, 2010) The main character is a Negro woman that is an old lady and has been through many life situations. The story uses settings to establish many points for the theme and details of wagon tracks used to tell us she is following a familiar path. â€Å"On she went. The woods were deep and still. The sun made the pine needles almost too bright to look at, up where the wind rocked. The cones dropped as light as feathers. Down in the hollow was morning dove- it was not too late for him. †)Cited in Clugston, 2010, â€Å"A Worn Path†, para. 3) This is the â€Å"easy part†of her new journey since she will face a hunter and a nurse along the way. She meets a white hunter with a dog; they represent external conflicts that she must deal with. The hunter helps her out of a ditch that she has fallen in, however irony is used since he puts a gun in her face that also resembles racism. She compares her bones to weeds springy enough not to have been broken by the fall into the ditch. Besides the medicine she has for him, she wanted to make him know he was loved and wanted to give a present. In the end the author made me feel the undying love that a grandmother can have for her grandson. She took a hard path in spite of her old age to make her grandson get what he needed, medicine, and a smile. Her journey faced racism, religion, and death that she overcame with the love she had in her soul, it would not die even if she got hurt. The medicine did not work in the past for her sick grandson, however she thought it might help to cure him with love.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Winn-dixie Stores, Inc an Example by
Winn-dixie Stores, Inc 1. Company Details Winn-Dixie stores, Inc are a public company and it is registered with NASDAQ under the registration of WINN. The Winn-Dixie stores were first founded and established in 1925 and headquarter is situated at Jacksonville in the state of Florida, USA. The present chairman of the company is Peter Lynch. He is also the CEO and the President of Winn-Dixie stores and could be termed as the key personality of the company. Need essay sample on "Winn-dixie Stores, Inc" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The industry of the Winn-Dixie belongs is the retail business in the form of supermarket. It could be stated that the main products of the company are liquor, snacks, seafood, produce, pharmacy, meat, general grocery, frozen foods, deli, dairy and Bakery. It was reported in the 2007 Top 75 North American Food Retailers published by Supermarket News as on January 1, 2007 was around $7.5 billion in the financial year 2006- 2007. The official website of the company is and it should be noted that the slogan of the company is "Getting Better All the Time". (Collinwood, 2007) Our Customers Usually Tell EssayLab specialists: I'm don't want to write my essay. Because I want to spend time with my family Professional writers advise: Calculate The Price It should also be noted that the Winn-Dixie is responsible for running over more than 60 stores as on 2006- 2007 and they are established by the term "private labels". Very recently, in 2003, the company decided to cut down the stores within three major divisions in accordance to their formulation. The first segment is reported to be comprised of products that are formulated under private label and are supposed to be branded as upscale. This segment is named Prestige. The second group of products is referred to as "Winn-Dixie" and these mainly deal with the products or items belonging to the mainstream segment. The third layer is called "Thrifty Maid" and the products of this section are basically economy products that the company refers to as the value items. It should be noted in this context that the basic three brands of the Winn-Dixie is positioned at 21140 as its portion of manufacturer code under the UPC. 2. Current situation / statement of problem It should be noted that the company is facing financial difficulties lately. SThriftway and all these stores were located in Cincinnati, Ohio. It should be noted that the company bought these outlets in 1995. The main cause of this disaster was identifies as a result of competitions put forward by other retail or supermarket companies like Wal-Mart and Publix. Soon most of South Carolina stores were closed and North Carolina suffered its most with all the stores being liquidated. Alongside about 40 stores in Atlanta was forced to be converted. As a result of all these setbacks the company was reduced to its financial abyss and in February 22, 2005 the company was forced to declare Bankruptcy. Another 326 stores were closed in June 21 and the cumulative loss of employment due to this disaster was calculated up to 22000. In this context it should be noted that the company put forward a recognition plan with the Florida Bankruptcy Court of US in 2006, 29th June. The company, on 2006, 21st November, was found seeking protection from the Chapter 11 and gained with it under the parameters of a better situation in terms of financial stability. However, the latest news reported in January 2007 indicates that the companys case of bankruptcy is being handled by Flom & Meagher of New York and in Jacksonville area it is looked after by the Smith, Hulsey, & Busey law firm. The lawyers of this case are Cyndi Jackson and Steve Busey. (Lamb, 2007) It can well be mentioned in this context of the financial disaster of the Winn-Dixie that the primal threat of this industry was the emergence of Wal-Mart as a grocery store chain in the 1990s. The industrial challenge that this company generated for the Winn-Dixie, along with other competing companies, soon became extremely difficult and the Winn-Dixie stores simply gave way to the challenge. However, it should be remembered that the challenge of the Winn-Dixie is not over and there are every possibility that once the legal proceedings are over and successfully negotiated the company is well capable of bouncing back and take to challenge it its opponents. As for the time being it can be stated that the company Winn-Dixie is lying low to look for opportunity to gain fresh access to the retail and supermarket industry. References: Collinwood, P A; January, 2007; 2007 Top 75 North American Food Retailers; Supermarket News; Howard Press Lamb, D; July, 2007; Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata; National Book Trust
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